There May Be Something There That Wasn't There Before

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"That was amazing!" Belle cried as they left the tavern. "I never imagined the village could hold something like that! You know," she said thoughtfully. "There's so much more to this village than I ever could have thought. It's funny."

It had been a success - she was obviously warming to the village and life here. This was his chance. "You think you could be happy here?" He was so close...

She looked around. "Yes, I think I really could now, if we decide to stay." Then she sighed. "But, there will always still be that longing for adventure, to see the world. I just can't help it. I think I'll always feel just a little trapped by the rules and structure and way of life - I feel not quite free. I'll always be the odd inventor's daughter. And can anyone be happy if they aren't free? My thirst for adventure is quite unquenchable. "

He was thankful for the cover of night so that she may not see the crushed expression as it fell across his face - what a fool he had been. How could he have ever thought that she could be happy here? Of course she couldn't, an intelligent, adventurous, dreamy girl like her. And even if she managed to feel the same for him as he did for her he could never ask her to stay here in a place where she felt so trapped. He couldn't ask that of her. And so he wouldn't.

That is, if she even felt the same way.

It was true that, during that last dance, he had never wanted to let go. Don't leave me, he wanted to beg. Please, please don't leave.

The long silence between them was broken then when she said, "Papa taught me how to dance. I used to step on his toes a lot."

Despite feeling as crushed as he did he couldn't help but smile a little at this, imagining Maurice twirling around a younger Belle. "Well you only stepped on mine once - or twice."

She chuckled a little. "I suppose I was a little out of practice."

"I couldn't tell," he said honestly.

They walked on in silence, but this time a comfortable kind of silence. It lasted until they reached the cottage, where they were to part ways. Gaston hoped and prayed it was not for the last time.

"Thank you, Gaston, I had a lovely time."

"Thank you for agreeing to go with me - as friends."

"And thank you for walking me home."

"Of course."

She smiled. "Goodnight." She turned towards the door.

This was his chance - maybe his only chance. He had been waiting for it all night and now here it was. He couldn't risk losing it. "Belle wait-" He was going to do it, he was going to tell her how he felt, how he really, truly felt. Belle, I must confess that in the beginning all I wanted was to marry you... But you have taught me, taught me so much... Please stay here with me Belle, please don't leave. I, I, I love you...

Even if it did nothing, even if she left in the end, at least he would have told her. He would regret it for the rest of his life if he did not. At least she would know the truth.

She turned back to face him, regarding him curiously. "Yes?"

This was it.

(Duh, duh, duh!!! Cliffhanger! ;) Haha I'm sorry I couldn't resist! Oh wow we're getting so close to the exciting end, but don't worry, there's still lots of chapters coming ahead - thanks so much!)

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