Bittersweet and Strange

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Belle watched from off to the side as Gaston turned his horse around and readied to make the jump again. He had brought her to what he said had been one of his favourite places as a boy, a smaller clearing with a long split through the earth. The gap narrowed inwards, at the bottom a rocky stream. Gaston and his horse were jumping across the gap, and he was enjoying the chance to show off, Belle could tell. After all, it was Gaston.

The gap wasn't very big, only a couple meters across, but still nonetheless daunting, even for her just watching, especially when he was approaching it so quickly. And it was deep, she had seen, a long fall.

But she needn't worry, for they cleared the jump each time, back and forth, again and again.

"You don't have to be so worried," Gaston said, echoing her thoughts, after making the jump yet again. "I can easily jump across myself, let alone on horseback." He dismounted and pointed. "See, there's a small part of the gap where the space narrows, then widens again. It's only that small narrow bit that I can cross fine, the rest is too far. See that berry bush across the way, that's my marker, so I know I'm in the right place." He looked above them to the darkening clouds. "We'd better return home with this storm coming."

"Yes, and enough jumping," she said, getting to her feet. "Especially if it rains, then the grass will be slick and you'll risk slipping." As she swung herself into Phillipe's saddle, she got an idea.

"Race you!" she called over her shoulder, giving Phillipe a nudge and taking off.

Gaston watched them disappear through the trees, shocked for a moment before a smile formed on his lips and he and his horse took off after them.

As they rode Belle looked over her shoulder to see Gaston in pursuit of them. It had started to rain a little and she couldn't help it - she threw back her head and laughed. She gave Phillipe another nudge, keeping them in the lead.

After a few more minutes of riding Belle slowed their pace and leapt down from the saddle, continuing on foot. She took off through the trees, seeing the opening up ahead, not caring the least that her dress was becoming soaked and muddy.

When Gaston and his horse broke through the trees he found Belle standing ahead in the field, head tilted upwards, eyes closed, and her arms out, soaking up the rain, all with the biggest smile on her face. He couldn't help but smile himself as he watched her. She looked absolutely beautiful.

Shortly after they returned to the village, Gaston suggesting that they go warm up and dry off in the tavern. Belle agreed and when they arrived Gaston had a stable hand tend to their horses.

As they dismounted Belle noticed the triplets standing in the doorway to the nearby dress shop, whispering, most likely gossiping.

Gaston noticed this too and began stroking his horse's neck. As he did Belle noticed the horse flicking his front leg, as if in approval. Gaston continued with this, the horse flicking his leg faster and faster until -

Splash! With one last great kick from the horse mud was sent spraying towards the triplets who shrieked, the fronts of their dresses becoming stained with dark mud spots. Belle tried to hide a laugh at their reactions, as well as Gaston's pleased look.

"So you don't enjoy their attentions?" she asked him as they entered the tavern.

He scoffed. "I can barely stand them! They're so clingy and silly and foolish."

Belle had to admit that she was surprised by this. She had always thought Gaston loved the attention of the triplets. But now she found he had more sense than she had originally given him credit for, and she even felt a little bad for judging him so.

Once inside they settled down by the fire to warm up and dry off. Gaston brought a chair over to join his before the fire for her and then went and ordered them something warm to drink. Madame LeBlanc brought over their drinks.

"Thank you," Belle said.

"So polite dear," Madame said with a smile. "Certainly a welcome change." She eyed Gaston when she said this, he oblivious to it though as he was already gulping down his drink.

"I really think you should be more polite to Madame," Belle said once Madame had left them. "Especially for all she does for you."

"Oh Madame's been helping since I was a child. She doesn't mind."

"Exactly, she's been serving you a long time. Just a simple 'please' or 'thank you' can really mean a lot. That's the power of words. And it makes you feel good to know you've made someone else happy."

"Everyone is always happy around me." She chuckled and rolled her eyes, taking a sip of her drink. "What?" he asked.

"Oh Gaston, you're just so stubborn."

He grinned. "Well, so are you." He raised his mug. "To stubbornness - our stubbornness."

A smile played at the corners of Belle's lips as she lifted her mug to touch it to his.

(Another song lyric as a chapter title making me want to sing ;) haha hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading!)

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