It's Hero Time

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What a turn the night had taken. A couple of hours ago he had Belle in his arms and they were dancing at the ball, he awaiting the perfect moment to tell her how he felt. But he had not, and now there was a fearsome creature on the loose that needed hunting.

He had changed into his hunting gear, complete with a sword, a handgun, and his crossbow and arrows. Good to be prepared for anything.

Well, he'd said it. It hadn't gone exactly as planned but he'd said it nonetheless. He must have looked like such a fool. That may not have been the way he had been planning on telling Belle of his feelings for her, but now it was said and done, no going back. The look of shock that had crossed her face when he said it - was it in disbelief? He hoped not, hoped that she could tell just how sincere he was being, that this was serious, that he wasn't taking it lightly.

He loved her.

He loved her more than anyone or anything else. That was it. It was as complicated and as simple as that. It was thanks to her that he had come to see all he had, even if it had been too late. It was thanks to her that he had loved again, thanks to her that he had realized so much. And he would never deserve her, not really, but he hoped that she at least realized his feelings.

But it didn't matter now, not really, for he was still too late. She was still leaving. If only he'd realized sooner - but no, he had been far too stubborn in his own old ways to see it, and now because of that he was too late and Belle was lost to him forever.

One task accomplished, now onto the next: the beast. The supposedly magic creature plaguing the woods and surrounding villages. They were not just dealing with rumours and whispers anymore, this was real, very real. And he owed it to his fellow villagers to protect them, fight in their name. They called him 'the town hero', 'their hero'. But why? Sure, he was a war hero, he had the medals to prove it, and they were proud of him for representing their little town off at war. His father had taught him from a young age that if you do something for someone to demand something in return. He had given them freedom and they, in return, had worshiped him ever since. But then Belle had taught him and shown him the importance of generosity, doing something for someone and not expecting anything in return, just doing so out of the goodness of your heart. That is, if he had any goodness in his heart. He hoped he did, at least now.

This town had always given him everything, and he had never given them anything in return, not really. Yes there was the initial defense of the village, but beyond that nothing. They deserved more than that - they deserved a true hero. He knew what he had to do.

Torch in hand, weapons at the ready, and mustering the courage he was famous for, he mounted his horse. "It's hero time."

("I learned the truth too late..." This I imagine as his kind of 'Evermore' moment :) Where he makes a realization and his character fully changes. I know this chapter was pretty short and the next one will be too, but I promise the actual fight with the beast will be longer :) thanks so much!)

The Dreamer and the Hunter - A Beauty and the Beast StoryWhere stories live. Discover now