The Risk Involved

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"Friends?!" cried LeFou when Gaston told him of his latest encounter with Belle. "She wants to be just friends?"

"I know," grumbled Gaston. "I've never heard of such a thing before."

"She is progressive," said LeFou.

"She is that, and argumentative. I've said it before, Belle can be just as argumentative as beautiful, but she'll have to stop it sometime otherwise she'll never be accepted in the village. Better sooner than later."

His friend nodded. "But, on a more positive note, you are making progress?"

"Yes, slowly but surely. You were right old friend, this slow approach is much better. I don't really like it, but at least it's getting me somewhere."

"Oh." LeFou was surprised. Usually if he made a suggestion, Gaston would either ignore it altogether or take credit for it. He had grown used to it. "Well, it was nothing, really-"

"But it's awfully tedious already," Gaston cut in. He was just as impatient as he was stubborn. "But if that's what it will take to get her to marry me..." he added, almost to himself.

"Again, as an alternative, there are other girls." LeFou gestured to where the triplets were sitting at a nearby table, all staring dreamily at Gaston as usual.

"LeFou, a great hunter does not pursue rabbits, but instead the greatest beasts of all."

"Comparing Belle to a beast now are we?"

Gaston gritted his teeth in annoyance. "My point is, Belle is the greatest prize, and I am the great hunter in pursuit of it. I will not settle for any less. Honestly LeFou, we've been over this time and time again. Belle is the most beautiful girl in the village, the best, and she hasn't made a fool of herself just to gain my favour, unlike some-" He cast a glance over at the triplets, who beamed at him and waved. He turned back to LeFou. "It's outrageously attractive really."

Well, he'd tried. LeFou shrugged. "But you are going to be just friends, yes?"

"Yes, but only because I have to. If it will get Belle to marry me."

"So this is all just a scheme to get her to marry you." Now LeFou looked unsure. "An act? A game?"

"Yes, wasn't that the point?"

"W-well... Belle's made it pretty clear that she's not interested in being more than just - friends. Are you really going to keep pursuing her even if she'll never want to be anything more."

"Oh she will. She'll warm to me and will not be able to help but fall for me. I do have that affect."

His friend was still unconvinced. "Gaston, you realize the risk involved," he cautioned. "I mean you know what happened last time, I'd say you're pretty darn lucky that she's agreed to keep seeing you, even if it's just as friends. If Belle figures out you're just plotting to marry her, that's it, there won't be any more chances. You'll lose her forever. And she's a smart girl as you know - are you really willing to take that risk? Please, proceed with caution."

"Yes, yes LeFou," Gaston said, with a wave of his hand as if to dismiss LeFou's concern. He was checking his reflection in the mirror hanging on the wall, the frame decorated in antlers. Then the hunter turned away, smiling proudly, and took up his beer mug, raising it in a toast. "To me and Belle." He took a long swig while LeFou drank the toast hesitantly.

(There he is, scheming about how to win her heart - like LeFou said Gaston, proceed with caution ;) Haha thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed!)

The Dreamer and the Hunter - A Beauty and the Beast StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora