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Welcome to my Beauty and the Beast fanfiction! I'm really excited about this one :) Not sure how I picture this story, as the original animation or the live action (although my book cover would say live action, as well as the pictures throughout) but picture it however you like!

As you may have guessed from the cover and description, this is a Beauty and the Beast with Gaston as the 'beast'.  I've always been really intrigued by he and Belle's relationship, or that which possibly could have been and I've read a couple of stories with them together and loved them so I thought I'd give it a try :) I like to think that there's more to him than just a mean, self-centered jerk, so this story gives hope to that - he's a really interesting character!  Let me know what you think! Oh, and don't worry, Gaston won't be as evil in this as he was in the new film (Luke Evans did a great job with his performance!)

Let me know what you thought of the new film, I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Hope you enjoy!  

-Lindsay :)

The Dreamer and the Hunter - A Beauty and the Beast StoryWhere stories live. Discover now