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It was a few days following the incident

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It was a few days following the incident.

"I'm just going to go for a short walk," Maurice called, putting on his coat and hat.  "Clear my head a little."  He'd been cooped up in his workshop all day.

Belle looked up from where she was reading by the fire and gave a little smile and nodded.  With that he slipped out.

He headed straight for the tavern, which was alive and bustling as usual this time of night. Gaston lounged in his chair, still in a foul mood everyone was quick to notice.  LeFou sat nearby, thinking of something to do to help his friend who was obviously in need of it, even though it was through his choice of not heeding LeFou's warning which had got him to this state.

LeFou walked over to the counter where a circle of musicians played softly, sliding a couple of coins across the counter to them as a cue.  Usually if Gaston were in need of cheering up - which was more often than one might think, anytime his ego was damaged - the musicians would play and LeFou would lead all the other tavern-goers in a song to lift his spirits.  He certainly looked in need of it tonight.

The musicians struck the first note, as a cue to the rest of the people in the tavern.  They didn't get very far in the song though before they were brought to an abrupt halt-

"OH SHUT UP!" Gaston roared, jumping to his feet.  This silenced everyone instantly.  Hearing them singing about how great he was when he felt so ashamed was the last thing he wanted at the moment.

He collapsed back into his chair, staring intently into the fire, flames raging just as he was.  Slowly, and more quietly now, everyone returned to what they had been doing before.  LeFou snatched back his coins from the musicians. 

A few minutes later the door opened and someone entered the tavern: Maurice, the inventor. Silence filled the space.  The tavern was the last place anyone ever thought to see crazy old Maurice. But he didn't seem crazy now; he was dead serious.  And he was approaching where Gaston sat.

Gaston rose from his chair, cracking a smile.  "Maurice."

"Captain, I'd like a word please," said the inventor.  He was very serious, usually so cheerful, his expression firm. 

Gaston smiled, trying to lighten the suddenly tense mood.  "Of course."

"Alone," Maurice added.

Uh oh.  This couldn't be good.  Gaston gave a nod.  "You heard him," he said to the others.  "Out."

Upon his word it didn't take long for the tavern to empty, leaving only the hunter and the inventor. Gaston stood there, hands held behind his back, while Maurice paced before him. The long, drawn-out silence was very uncomfortable.  Gaston would much rather he got straight to the point.

"I must say I am very disappointed Captain," he finally said.  "I trusted you, and now you have betrayed both my trust and my daughter's."

Gaston internally cringed.  Just as he had feared - this was about the other day.

"Although she tries to hide it, I can tell Belle is very upset. And not just about what happened, but about what it means: you two are no longer spending time together.  She enjoyed your time as friends - I haven't seen her that happy in a long time, especially since we moved here.  She finally felt accepted here, but now she feels lonely again. Deny it all she may, she misses you."

At these words, Gaston felt a little flutter of hope forming in his chest.

"Now I am willing to give you one last chance, only because I saw how much your friendship meant to you both.  Please don't disappoint us again."

Gaston gave a brisk nod. "Of course Maurice." He didn't really know what else to say.

Maurice nodded back. "Now I am hoping that things will work out between you and return to how they were. But this is all I shall do for ultimately, it is her decision in the end." And with that he returned his hat to his head, and left, leaving Gaston standing there in the empty tavern, alone.

(Maurice is giving him another chance - but will Belle? ;) Thanks so much for reading and voting, it's always much appreciated! Hope you enjoyed!)

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