"...Adorable Children Running Around"

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A few months later, the couple sat in their new cottage, their new home, where they would build their life together.  They sat on the couch, snuggled up by the fire, while they waited for the meat from Gaston's latest hunt cooked for their dinner.

"So," she said, snuggling up against him.  "Here we are, in our rustic hunting lodge, with your latest kill roasting over the fire..."

"I still haven't managed to get you to massage my feet," he added, putting his feet up on the stool for emphasis.

She giggled.  "Not yet.  And no boots on the new table!" She playfully swatted at his feet, making him laugh.  She sighed contentedly.  "Now all we need are the adorable children running around."

He smiled, thinking of how funny it was how everything had worked out the way he wanted it to, but he'd also gotten so much more.  And he wouldn't have had it any other way than it was right there in that moment. 

He looked to see that she was smiling up at him, in a telling sort of way, her eyes bright and glittering with - excitement.  Happiness.  Love.  He stared down at her, his brow furrowed in confusion at first until he began to realize - she had chosen her last words very carefully.  There had been a certain implication there...

He practically leapt up from the couch and stared at her, causing her to tip over as she had been leaning against him.  His blue eyes were wide.  "B-Belle?"

She smiled.  "But, by the looks of things, we'll have that very soon as well." She grinned, resting her hands on her stomach for emphasis. 

His reaction was priceless and she couldn't help but giggle at the sight when his expression changed as the realization dawned on him.  Then he collapsed onto the couch again and pulled her into his lap, squeezing her tight in a crushing hug.

"Careful," she laughed.  "Or you'll squish the baby."

He instantly released her.  "Sorry! Sorry!  Sorry, little one." He placed both hands on her stomach over hers, his large hands basically covering her belly.  "Oh my-" His words broke off suddenly. 

"Gaston, are you crying?"

"No - yes, well, maybe..." He looked at her and met her eyes, and she saw that indeed, his had tears filling them.   "I-I'm just so happy, Belle."

"Oh Gaston, me too." She pulled him back into his crushing hug.  "Me too." 

(I do love happy endings! ;) One more chapter left! :) 

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you all enjoyed! :))

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