The Dreamer and the Hunter

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The prince nudged his horse, urging him to go faster.  Every moment that ticked by meant midnight was that much closer.  They only had until midnight to reach the princess and if not, she would remain cursed forever.  He could not bear the thought of his love being locked in a slumber for eternity.

The wind howled through the trees, icy against his skin, his heavy breath appearing in small clouds amidst the night air.  They were getting close.

And suddenly, there it was, the great castle in which his love awaited him.  He hurriedly dismounted his trusty steed and tore up the front steps to the grand front doors.

It was like a maze inside the castle, and the time constraint pressed down on him.  At last, he reached a winding staircase that carried him up, up, up to the castle's highest tower.  He quickened his pace until he was sprinting up the stairs.  It seemed they would never end, he would never reach her in time-

Belle jumped as her book was suddenly snatched from her hands.  She had been so engrossed in the story she did not even hear someone approach, not even with his loud footsteps in his heavy hunting boots.

She knew it was Gaston even without having to turn around.  Who else would sneak up behind her and snatch her book away from over her shoulder - rather rudely she might add - in order to get her attention?

She suppressed a sigh before turning around to face him.  Ah yes, there he was, towering over her in his usual red leather hunting coat and boots, dark hair pulled back away from his face.

"Gaston may I have my book please?" she said, forcing politeness.  She really did try to be polite with him, but it proved very difficult.  And without the same kindness in return she wondered why she even bothered.  I was reading it and just got to the exciting part, and now you've made me lose my spot. She reached out to take the book back from him but he turned away just before she could.  He was flipping through it, not looking the least bit interested, and not being very gentle. She could see pages bending - her new book that Père Robert had so kindly let her keep. 

"How can you even read this? There are no pictures," he scoffed.

"It's called using your imagination." She reached for the book but he snatched it away again and held it out of reach. 

"Still, it's no good without pictures."

"Have you read it?" she asked, though figured she already knew the answer.

"W-well, not this one.  B-but you know books - all the same aren't they."

"Well actually-"

"You know what Belle, I say it's about time you got your pretty little head out of these books and started paying attention to more important things." He flashed her a smoldering grin, staring down at her. Like me, his icy eyes said.   "You know the whole town talks about it Belle. Do you really want to be the topic of such gossip?  Now I know you're still fairly new in town and may not be so familiar with our customs here, but I think it goes for not just here in Villeneuve, but all around.  Reading and books and such fantasies just aren't a part of our daily lives."

"Well they should be." Finally she was able to take back her book. She quickly slipped it into her dress pocket before he could take it again. There, back safe and sound. 

He chuckled.  "Ah Belle, you are as argumentative as you are beautiful."  She felt one of his strong arms wrap around her shoulders.  "Why don't we take a walk to the tavern and take a look at my war medals."

"Maybe some other time." Meaning never.  "I have to go home to help my father." She pulled away.

"Haha, that crazy old loon! He needs all the help he can get!" cackled LeFou.  Wherever Gaston went, LeFou followed.  The two men laughed.

"Don't talk about my father that way!"

"Yes LeFou, don't talk about poor old Maurice that way," Gaston tried to cover for himself, giving LeFou a hard hit to the shoulder.

"My father's not crazy, he's a genius," Belle stated firmly.  As if on cue, a blast and smoke rising from the little cottage she and her father shared made Belle gasp and rush off towards home, Gaston and LeFou bursting into laughter again.

Moments later, LeFou broke off laughing.  "You sure you want to marry into that family?"

(Haha I love that picture - she looks so startled! And I absolutely LOVE HER DRESS! I was originally going to say she put her book into her basket, but they made the dress with pockets so I thought I'd add that - I would wear that dress everyday! Thanks for reading! :)

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