A Change of Tactics

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Although he was still upset over Belle's rejection of him, Gaston couldn't help but be pleased about their most recent encounter - him saving her father had definitely worked in his favour.

"You've seen how attached to the old man she is," he said to LeFou as the two walked through the village the following day. "She would do anything for him."

"Even marry you," said LeFou, catching on. "I thought you said you were going to try a slower pace with her."

"I am, but this is a start. I'm only making more better impressions with Maurice. Perhaps he can help persuade her."

"Bonjour gentlemen." The pair turned to see PèreRobert.

"Good day PèreRobert," called LeFou. "Where are you off to?"

"Just to deliver this book to Belle," answered the chaplain, holding up the book in his hands. "I received an order from Paris, and I thought she would enjoy this one."

Gaston and LeFou met eyes. Gaston grinned. His plan was only becoming more and more perfect. "For Belle you say? Why don't I deliver it for you?" he offered generously.

The chaplain hesitated. Ever since the wedding plot he had cooked up involving Belle, he had tried to remain kind and polite towards Gaston, but was also cautious. "Oh, um, I'm not sure-"

"Oh, but it's really no trouble at all. I know how busy of a man you are," Gaston insisted, holding his hands out for the book. "Aren't you always saying in your Sunday services that one should be generous and helpful towards their neighbours?"

"W-well yes, that is true." PèreRobert reluctantly handed over the book. On the topic of being cautious, he knew better than to cross Gaston. "V-very well."

Gaston examined the book. "And you're sure she'll like it?"

"Yes, it is a collection of fairy tales. Belle told me that she and her mother used to read them together-"

"Excellent," Gaston cut in. "Good day PèreRobert." And with that he and LeFou continued their walk.

"I thought you said you weren't getting her a book, that you didn't want to encourage her reading," LeFou said as they approached the cottage.

"Oh but LeFou, this was all too perfect. It practically fell right into my hands." Gaston took a handkerchief from his pocket and wrapped the book in it. They reached the cottage and LeFou took that as his note to leave. Gaston approached the door and knocked. Moments later it opened just a crack and Belle peeked out.

"Belle." He gave her a smile and nod. "I came by to see how your father is doing."

Somehow, she guessed that was not his sole reason for coming. "Papa is doing fine, thank you."

"Excellent, glad to hear it." There was a pause. "I have something for you."

Belle suddenly grew nervous. "Oh?"

"Yes." He withdrew the handkerchief-wrapped book from behind his back.

She hesitated before taking it, though her worries faded a little when she took it in her hands. She recognized the shape-

Removing the handkerchief she found a book, and not just any book, but a beautiful volume of fairy tales. She was shocked. A book, Gaston had given her a book. "Why, Gaston, i-it's lovely-"

"You like it?" He smiled. "I figured you would."

"Yes, it's beautiful." She looked up at him. "Where did you ever get it?"

He internally cursed. He hadn't thought about that. "I - w-well I found it."

"You 'found' it?"


"Where did you 'find' it?"

"Why does it matter?!" he cried suddenly, a near shout. This startled her. She jumped a little, then regained composure. He smiled, hoping to soften the mood again. "I saw it and thought of you. It is my gift to you."

"Well thank you. That was very - thoughtful." She looked down at it and ran her fingertips across the cover. Then she handed it back to him. "But I'm afraid I cannot accept it."

He was shocked. "And why not? It is a gift."

"Perhaps, but considering what happened before-" The very thought of it was making her angry.

When she moved to head back inside, he stopped her. "Belle, wait." Slowly, she turned back to face him. "Perhaps we got off on the wrong foot-"

Oh, is that what you call arranging a wedding for you and a girl you barely know without a proposal?

"-What do you say we start again?"

A pause. Belle looked very hesitant.

"Captain, is that you?" Maurice called from inside.

Belle gritted her teeth. "Yes Papa, Gaston was just leaving."

"Oh, but before you do, could you spare a moment Captain? I'd like to speak with you."

"Well of course Maurice."

Belle sighed and let him inside. She led him to the sitting room where her father was. Maurice gestured for the young man to sit across from him on the couch.

"How have you been?" Gaston asked politely.

"Oh, fine, just fine," Maurice answered. "Belle's been fussing over me ever since we arrived home, but I'm perfectly well." He chuckled. "Now about that, I wanted to thank you again for yesterday for, well, saving my life," the inventor said. "And if there is anything I can ever do for you in return, please let me know."

This caused Gaston to smile. "Anything?" Your blessing for my marriage to your daughter. "Well Maurice." He reached out to pat the inventor on the shoulder. "I might just take you up on that."

(Thank you for all the reads and votes! :))

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