Chapter Twenty-Four: Welcome To Kurma

Start from the beginning

"So, you'r okay after all!" she beams.

I laugh a little. "Yeah, I am."

"And I see Chris got to you first, huh?"

Chris smiles. "Wouldn't miss it for the world." he kisses my forehead.

"Chris, do you still want to train today?" Fix asks.

"Nah, I think I'll give Melody a tour of the palace today,"

"We're in a palace?" I ask, bewildered.

He laughs. "Yeah,"

"Actually, I thought I'd be in charge of that." comments a voice, though I can't tell who it belongs to. "After all, I am her Guardian."

Stealth leisurely walks into view. Jessica steps to the side to allow Stealth into the room. She stops halfway down the hall.

"Can I join you?" Chris asks politely.

"I don't see a problem with that. You think Kyle will allow it?"

"I think he'll let me go today."

She smiles. "Then it's settled." she spins around on her heels. "You guys go into the arena, tell Kyle that Melody is back and Chris and I are taking a break to give her a tour." she addresses the others.

They nod and walk away. Stealth turns back to us.

"I'll let you get her ready and then we'll begin." she instructs Chris. He nods and she walks away, closing the door. I turn back to Chris.

"By getting ready she means you get me my clothes and I'll get changed on my own, right?"

He smiles. "We wouldn't have it any other way.

I giggle. "Good, I'll be here."

He stands. "And I'll be back." and he walks into the other room.

I decide to use this time to look around the room. A wooden desk with a touch on light is in the back left corner of the room. A bookshelf across it. On the right side is a tall mirror and...

I stand in sudden joy as I see it. Upright and hollow, a cylinder with a door, there in the back right is a hyper tank. I approach it in utter awe.

"It's beautiful!" I gawk, placing my hands on the crystal surface.

"Found the hyper tank, I see." Chris laughs.

I turn my head to hi. He's holding a small pile of folded clothes.

"It's better than I imagined!" I continue to gawk, my voice high and squeaky.

He laughs again. "Yeah, I guess it is,"

"How does this place have one?" I ask, pulling away from the tank and walking over to him.

"Actually, I don't know. We'll have to ask."

I smile, taking the pile of clothes from him.

We stand face to face in an awkward silence.

"Uh, where should I-?" I start

"Oh, in there," he gestures to the open door.

"Mmkay, thanks!" I skip off into the room.

I gasp when I enter.

The walls are entirely made of glass, as is the floor. The furniture is completely constructed of crystals. But it's not that that sets me in complete awe, it's what I see through the glass. It's as if the room has been constructed within an ocean. I walk up to one of the walls cautiously, afraid that the glass below me will shatter if I'm not careful. My hands rest on the glass. I can almost feel the water glide across my skin.

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