Chapter 30: Dead to Us

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I linked my hand with Eric's and we walked through the halls. People looked at us and had the I-called-it looks on their faces. My brothers were fuming of anger and narrowed their gaze at me and Eric. Well it sucks doesn't it when someone goes back to someone you don't like. I told them all after the party since Evan decided to tell them that I was making out with Eric. I mentioned him and Katrina but it wasn't meant with the same anger. Hypocrites.

"So wanna come over?" Eric asks as we walk out the school.

"I'd love too but I'm really tired," I admit. I haven't been sleeping, my brothers have added extra stress I didn't need.

"You should know, Katrina and me aren't friends anymore," he whispers and I see Katrina looking at us.

"What changed your mind?"

"I realized she's a bitch."

"Ahh, they all eventually realize it." Except for my brothers.

"Anyway, I'll drop you off home," he says and opens the passenger door for me. I smile and we start to drive away. It's silent in the car, it's an awkward silence. We don't talk and that's really annoying. Before, we'd talk the whole way home without any breaks, now we can barely say anything.

When we arrived at my house, I looked at Eric. We stared for a while and then I felt myself leaning closer. He moved closer too. We kissed for a while before we broke apart. He smiles at me, ensuring me that he's still interested in me. Maybe it'll just take some time before it'll go back to the way it was.

"I love you," I whisper and he grins.

"I never stopped loving you."

We kiss one last time and I slip out of the car. When I walk into the house, my brothers are there and they look pissed.

"Seriously Paisley?"

All of them look red in the face.


"How could you go out with Eric again?" Logan says and scowls.

"How could Evan go out with Katrina again?"

They ignore this.

"Wait til dad finds out," Evan says and gets an evil smirk on his face. Dad didn't know and he wouldn't know. He didn't like Eric but he doesn't really get a say in my love life when he's not even part of my everyday life. Evan using him is a low blow but he doesn't know I have dirt on him too.

"Sure tell dad but I'll spill all about you and Katrina and the crap you gave me last year. If I go down then you're going down as well."

Evans clenches his jaw and the others lose all color in their faces. I never told dad what really happened in an effort to protect them but if they were gonna act like this, why shouldn't I? Two can play this game.

"You know we're sorry," Logan says, hurt present in his voice.

"Yeah and I also know that Evans dating Katrina and I am dating Eric. Don't be hypocrites."

"If you stay with Eric then you're dead to us," Evan says I turn to walk out the room. My eyes go wide but I quickly lose it. He did not just say that. How did this turn to last year?

"Fine," I shout and turn around. I run up the stairs and I slam my door and lock it. I place my bag down and hold my hair in my hands. I let out a frustrated growl. This got messed up pretty quick. We went back to last year in less than a second. Maybe my brothers never changed and they got better at pretending. Maybe they kept up the act as long as they could. They probably never cared to begin with but wanted me to believe they did. Of course I believed it.


New chapter, Sorry guys but updates might be a bit slower because I'm really into the new fan fiction I'm writing. Oh and I'm trying to decide how to continue this story so if you have ideas message me and ill try to incorporate it. Thanks for reading!!! Please vote:)





(ps) I'll try to update more with this story

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