Chapter 24: Everyone Eventually Leaves

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 School wasn't eventful, I tried to avoid Stacy but somehow I always ended up bumping into her. Donovan had asked her out, and she said yes. They were basically a couple now and I couldn't see Donovan without seeing Stacy. Eventually I started avoiding him too. Slowly but surely, Stacy and Katrina are making it a habit to get in my life. I'm not liking where this is going.

I was walking through the halls when someone yanks me into the janitors closet. I see Eric looking at me. Ever since the beach, he's gone MIA again but hasn't even stood up for me. I'm not sure what game he's playing but I think I'm over it.

"Paisley, this the most secure place we can talk," he tells me.

"Why, afraid of upsetting Katrina?" I ask, venom behind my words. It seems everyone is scared of hurting Katrina but yet everyone can do it to me just fine.

He shakes his head, "It's more complicated than that."

"How so?" I ask him, "Is it complicated like you telling me that you love me and want me back. Kissing me at the company party but then going MIA. Then talking to me at the beach but when Katrina's belittling me, you sit around quiet. Yet you want me to think you've changed and this is not last year."

He looks down, "I know, believe me, I want to stand up for you but Paisley if I do then Katrina will just be worse."

"She can't be worse."

"But she can, she thinks I'm with her but I'm trying to figure out her plan. Why she's here and what she has against you."

"You are so full of crap, Eric. Do you really think I don't know you're playing me? I may have kissed you but don't be fooled, I'm not the same girl as I was last year and you have no hold on me." Okay this wasn't entirely true, the more Eric and I spent time together, the more the feelings were starting to return but I need him to go away. 

"Paisley, you can't tell me that you don't care or love me."

I close my eyes and shake my head, "I can't tell you that I do." With that said, I turn around leaving the closet. I really hoped that if I said this I would believe it. I don't know how I feel about Eric but I do know that he isn't showing me any change. I can't trust heart can't take it.

The rest of the day goes by in a blur and before I know it I'm laying in bed. The energy to do the mountain of homework assigned to me is not there but if I don't keep up my grades, my family will know something is up. I trudge over to my desk and begin math. Before I know it, I've finished the first half when my phone goes off. It's Donovan.


"Hi stranger," he says, I can see his smirk through the phone, "Have you been ignoring me?"

Yes. "No, why would you think that?"

"Well I haven't seen you in a while and you don't really hang out with us much. Wanted to make sure everything's okay."

"Yeah everything's fine," I tell him, "I've just been busy with school. Trying to increase the GPA, you know."

"Oh okay," he says, not sounding convinced, "Well I miss hanging out with you."

"Well do you want to come over?" I ask.

"I would but I promised Stacy we would hang out today. Want to come with?"

"NO," I say, a little quickly, "I mean, I just have a lot of homework so better I do it."

"Oh," he almost sounded disappointed, "Okay then. Good luck on the homework."

"Have fun with Stacy," I tell him.

"We will," he says, "I'll see you when I see you."

"See you." I tell him and hang up. I miss hanging out with Donovan but I can't hang out with Stacy. He doesn't know everything that happened and telling him would dwell into why we moved. Donovan's opinion can't change of me, I couldn't take it if he pitied me. So I'll just push through and learn to live life without him. Everyone eventually leaves...he's no different.


What do y'all think of Donovan and Stacy? Imma add more characters we've met so far in the next cast list so stayed tuned. Thanks for 1.2K and 61 votes! Thank you:) Please vote. 





Beyond RepairOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora