Chapter 17: Making Up

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I laid on my bed, staring at the wall. I have to admit I felt bad about going off on dad, especially about the girl. I know he misses mom and everything but him having a new girl just made me feel like he just is ready to forget about her. What's even more irriating is that he works nearly every day and yet expects us to just simply spend time with him and his new girlfriend because he's home. I just wish he would spend more time with us.
I heard a faint knock on my door and rolled off the bed to open the door. Standing there was Chris. He smiled softly at me and I let him in. I sat back on the bed, grabbing my pillow and hugging it, "If you're here to tell me that I was ridiculous, save your breath."
He smirks, "No, I'm here to make sure you're okay."
"I'm fine."
He rolls his eyes, " can talk to us. None of us are thrilled at dad having a new girlfriend. We know you are the least thrilled of us all."
"Honestly, I don't care," I lie.
Chris looks at me with an expression telling me that he knows it's not true, "You care, we can tell."
I sigh, "It just feels like he's ready to forget about mom. Like he's ready to just move on."
He nods, "I understand but Paisley, as much as we don't want dad to have this girlfriend, perhaps he's ready? I know he misses her, we all do, but you can't expect dad to just be alone for the rest of his life. We're all going to move on to college and have families and dad will be alone. You need to talk to him because you two fighting is not something mom would've wanted."
I hate to admit it but Chris is right. I guess I have been unfair to dad, "Ugh I hate when you're right."
He smiles, "Go do the right thing."
I nod and take a deep breath. I head downstairs to find dad watching TV in the living room. I walk over and sit on the chair across from him. He looks at me but doesn't say anything. It's now or never.
"I'm sorry," I tell him, "I overreacted at dinner and I realize that now. I just can't help but feel that you moving on somehow makes you forget about mom."
He sighs, "Paisley, I will always love your mom. She was the love of my life but she's gone. I miss her every day and I guess I throw myself in work because it keeps me from thinking about her. But honey, you and your brothers are going to grow up one day and move on. I cannot wait for that moment you guys become parents and have your own children but when you guys do do that, I don't want to live all alone. I want to be able to have someone with me...and I really had hoped that person had been your mother."
I nod, "I understand, I'm sorry. I've been a brat."
He smirks and stands up. He comes over and hugs me tightly, "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have dropped the bomb like that or expected you guys to just be accepting. I love you."
"I love you too," I tell him, hugging him back. And for the first time in a long time, I felt like daddy's little girl again.


So drama, wow a lot of uploads today. So on the side there'll be a pic of the dad's girl, she is played by Kaley cucuo because she's awesome. So I'll put the pic up. Also song ideas for any chapters even if it's not recent...comment. Thanks for the help and the 178 reads!!! You all exceeded my expectations. Also if you want to make me a collage or cover I will dedicate a chapter to you. If you tell me song ideas I'll dedicate a chapter to you and if tell me where I can make a collage and get it to work on wattpad I will dedicate a chapter to you.






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