Chapter 29: The Party

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My brothers were dragging me to a party. It was finally happening, I was getting my first high school party experience. My relationship was still rocky with them since the blowout on mom's death anniversary but we've been trying to ignore it. I think they'd rather forget it but I can't.

I pulled on a white crop top, some leggings, and my ankle boots. I didn't bother with hair and only did my eyeliner and some lipstick. I was ready to go and be home as soon as possible. My brothers were excited, they couldn't wait to party it up. I, on the other hand, would be completely content if I never went. We all piled into Chris and Logan's Kia Soul and we were off. It was only when we got close that I realized where the party was. It was at Eric's house.

I gulped and stepped out of the car. We approached the front door and let ourselves in. Kids were already drunk and passed out when we got there. Others were making out at the stairwell and some were dancing. I can't believe this is considered a high school experience. I wrinkled my nose in disgust.

My brothers and I got drinks and we danced a bit. I could tell they were anxious to get away and go flirt so I basically pushed them. They grinned like children in a candy store and walked away. I was looking for the bathroom when I bumped into a guy. I didn't recognize him, he looked older and not a high schooler. He had a sleeve tattoo running down his right arm, a tattoo near his eye and one on his chest. I didn't dare stare. He wore a black tank, loose jeans, and converse. He had sandy blonde hair, a beard, and a disgusting look in his dark eyes. Plus he reeked of alcohol.

"Sorry," I say, trying to slip past him. He pulls me back.

"What's the rush sweetheart?" He says, flashing me a grin.

I try to break his hold but he's strong for a scrawny dude, "Please let go of my arm." I was looking for my brothers but couldn't find them.

"Why should I?"

I gulp, "My brothers are nearby, they'll beat you up." Okay this was lame I know but it was the only real threat I had.

He sends me an evil grin, "Don't worry, I'll be done before they even know." He slams me against the wall and grabs my ass. I try to push his hand off but with one hand he grabs both of mine and holds them tight. He fumbles with his zipper and slams his lips into mine so I don't scream. I try to wriggle out of his grasp but it's no use. I feel him start to pull my leggings down and I try to kick and make it harder. This can't be happening.

And then I feel him get thrown off. I see him intersect with the wall in front of me and I see Donovan standing there, pissed. He looks at me to ensure I'm okay and then proceeds to punch him in the face. The guy doesn't fight back, instead he pushes Donovan off and runs away. I stand there in utter shock.

"Are you okay?" he asks and I nod.

"Fine," I say quickly and push past him and head into the living room. Donovan tried to follow but I got in the crowd. I just wanted to go home and I was ready to walk. There I bump into Eric and he grabs my shoulders.

"Paisley, are you okay?" he asks and I look at him and that's all he needs. He grabs my wrist and pulls me down some stairs into the basement. He sits me on the couch and looks at me.

"What happened?" He asks worryingly. I burst into tears.

"I was almost raped by some random guy," I say softly and Eric clenches his fist.

"I'm gonna murder him," He mumbles under his breath and I take a deep breath. I won't cry, I won't cry.

"Are you okay?" he asks concerningly and then I hug him tightly. I don't know why I was relying on Eric. Maybe because he felt so comforting. He always used to comfort me when we were together. It just felt right.

"I've never felt more helpless," I admit and he rubs my back.

"I'm sorry," he says and I let a couple tears fall. He wipes them away and looks at me. His eyes were soft and comforting, I could see the admiration he had for me as well as the pain. Maybe Eric did love me. The next thing catches us both by surprise, I lean forward and kiss him. He kisses me back, pulling me close. I'm not sure if everything that happened tonight or everything that happened in the past few days piled up, but I missed being kissed and kissing Eric felt right. We pull away and he smiles.

"Does this mean anything?" he asks.

"I don't know, I really don't," I admit, feeling guilty for playing with him. He cups my face in his hands.

"Paisley, I am not gonna push you into anything. If you want to be together, I'll say yes in a heart beat, if you don't, I understand," he says and kisses me one last time. We break apart as the door opens and I hear moaning. I see Evan and Katrina in full on make out mode and my eyes shoot up wide. Evan opens his eyes and sees me. He breaks apart and Katrina glares at me.

"What the hell is going on?" he asks harshly and I get pissed.

"What the hell is going on with you two?" I snap and Evan growls.

"If he even makes a move on you," Evan warns and I smirk slightly. I pull Eric up and plant a long kiss on his lips. When I pull away Evan is red from anger.

"Next time you have a party, don't bring me along," I say harshly and push past them both and head up the stairs. I rush out the house and begin my long walk home. I need to clear my head.

Am I falling for Eric again? Didn't Evan tell me nothing would happen between the two of them? He has the audacity to get mad at me when he's pulling the same shit. I was so mad that I didn't notice the blue Mustang pulling up next to me.

"Paisley, get in," Eric shouts and I look to see his Mustang. I take a deep breath and get in the passenger seat. He smiles and before I know it we're at Starbucks. He pays for two coffees and I smile.

"I'm sorry for kissing you like that," I apologize and he shrugs.

"I love pissing your brothers off."

"But it wasn't right."

"Paisley," he says and takes my hand, "I know that seeing Evan and Katrina wasn't a happy thing for you so how are you doing?"

"I'm hurt."

"Understandably so, if you want to talk I'm here for you."

The irony here is that my brothers always claim to be the ones who care for me and won't hurt me and yet they do. Here's Eric who is here at Starbucks with me, ditching his party to make me feel better. I had my decision made.



"I'll give you another chance but if you screw up..."

"I won't!" He says, excitedly. He gives me a long passionate kiss before driving me home.

"Tonight's been the best night of my life. I guess waiting really does work," he tells me.

"That's true," I admit and smile.

"Good night Paisley."

I smile, "Good night Eric."

I give him a small kiss and let myself in. Daniel gives me a tight hug and I give dad the look that says don't ask and he doesn't say anything. I put Daniel to bed and close my bedroom door. I smile slightly and slip under the covers. No blades for me tonight.


There'll be drama between Paisley and her brothers? Anyone shipping Eric and Paisley? Let me know. Please vote. Also thanks for the 2K!! Love y'all. Y'all rock:)





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