Chapter 25: Fair

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So dad caved in and bought Chris and Logan a car that they have to share with Evan and Cole. Its a white Kia Soul and I love it. Today we were heading to the beach but there's a fair in town and Daniel really wants to go. After much begging and puppy dog eyes, we agreed to take him. Daniel was bouncing off the walls with excitement and kept asking if it was time to go. When it was finally time, he was the first one ready and at the door.

I pull on a gray off-the-shoulder sweater, some ripped black skinny jeans, and a pair of black ankle boots. I grab my purse and my phone. My phone vibrates in my hand and I see a text from Eric.

I know you're mad but I'll be at the fair. Meet me by the Ferris wheel to talk, if you don't show up, I'll stop.

I sigh, not bothering to open the message. Maybe I need to just not meet up with him. There isn't much left to say between the two of us. All Eric has done is make my life more miserable than it already was. But still, am I ready to completely shut down the idea of us? I had no clue but something told me I would know tonight.


The fair was fun, I rode a bunch of rides with my brothers, and actually enjoyed myself. We played tons of games, I helped them win some stuffed animals and Evan even got the chance to impress a pretty girl. He's always looking for a chance to meet someone new and get their number. I sometimes forget how much of a player my brother really is. I bought the kids some cotton candy and took a piece. I wasn't eating sugar anymore and completely cut out carbs. I need to get my body back to what it was, I saw some fat today on my belly and couldn't shake it. I've been lenient with my diet but now it's back to normal. I need to limit my calorie intake.

While we were at the fair, Cole had a big announcement. He had apparently met a girl at school named Sydney and they had hit it off. He had been secretly dating her for the past month but didn't want to introduce us until he knew it was serious. Sydney was very pretty with long, wavy blonde hair and sweet ocean blue eyes. She's the opposite of Cole who's more quiet and reserved while Sydney is bubbly and outgoing. They compliment each other well. I just hope she doesn't hurt him, Cole's the nicest brother and I stick up for him the same way they stick up for me.

Dad and Carmen were having fun too. We offered to watch the kids for tonight while they get to spend some time on the rides. I see Carmen carrying a teddy bear that dad must've won for her...or bought, which one, I will never know. He approached smiling.

"Paisley, can we go into the house of mirrors?" Daniel asks and I shrug. I let him lead the way into there and at first I think I have gained weight but then I realize that it's one of those fat mirrors. At least, I hope it is. We make it out soon and Daniel runs over to dad who's waiting with the others.

Dad and Carmen were having fun too. We offered to watch the kids for tonight while they get to spend some time on the rides. I see Carmen carrying a teddy bear that dad must've won for her...or bought, which one, I will never know. He picks Daniel up and gathers Max and Mason. I know they're headed out and we watch them leave. I check the time, I know Eric's at the Ferris wheel I join him?

My brothers have all gone off their own separate ways so I figure why not. Tonight will be a deciding factor. I make my way to the Ferris wheel and see Eric waiting. He smiles when he says me.

"Hey," he says.


"Look I just want you to know you were right. I never stood up for you and that's unacceptable. I can't tell you I've changed and not show you so I told Katrina she needs to lay off."

"How thoughtful of you," I say and you can hear the sarcasm leaking from my voice, "I'm sure Katrina listens to you."

"Look Paisley, I know it probably didn't do anything but I want you to know that from now on you can count on me. I'll stand up for you, I'll be there for you. Please just give me another chance."

I stand there at the bottom of the Ferris wheel. Eric is a complicated person. I can tell he wants to change but I'm not entirely convinced he has. But can I really blame him about changing when I haven't really done it either. I always claim I'm not the same person I was but here I am, standing with Eric ready to make the same mistake. My mind is still a mess as it was but do I make it even more messy with him.

"I don't know..."

He nods, "I can't make you change your mind Paisley but I did want to give you this." He hands me a ruby necklace. I stare in shock, ruby is my mom's birthstone. "I know I can't bring back your mom but I got you this. I know ruby's her birthstone so I figured you could have a little something to remember and keep close to you. I know you don't want to give me another chance and that's okay. Enjoy the necklace and I'll see you around." He gives me a kiss on the cheek and leaves me holding the necklace. Tears sting my eyes but I smile. This is honestly one of the most thoughtful things I've ever received. I put the necklace on, admiring it. I walk around the fair looking for my brothers. I see Evan in the distance.

I smile, walking towards him but what I see makes me stop dead in my tracks. Standing in the shadow of a game is Evan, but he's not alone. I feel my breath catch in my throat as I see her pushing her tongue down my brothers throat and my brother not pushing her away. Why the hell is my brother kissing Katrina.


Longer chapter I hope. Anyway what did you think about the Evan/Katrina thing? Sorry I didn't update in a while but here it is. If you go to the previous chapter there's a book trailer over on the side. You should watch it. Also I was thinking of doing a trailer of the characters! What do y'all think? Let me know. Thanks for the 1.8K:) please Vote:)





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