Half-Cat Chapter Fifty - That

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Half-Cat Chapter Fifty - That

"Angela-Hime! Why are you here?" asked Liam, covering himself with his blanket.

"She's here to tutor you." said Elliot.

"No!" Liam croak. "I mean-- okay!Yes!" He got out of bed. "Elliot, take Angela-Hime to the library! I need to talk to Jake!"

...They have a library?!

Liam grabbed Jake's sleeved shirt and pushed Elliot and I out off the room. We stared at the door.

"Well, to the library." said Elliot.

When we got to the library, we sat on one of the circle tables.

Elliot cupped his hands to rest his chin. He looked away in a distance.

"It's getting near, huh?" I said.

"Hm? What is?" he asked.

"When I go to the underworld." I said.

He looked away. "Yeah; history is repeating itself."

I frowned, "Huh?"

"Your mother went back exactly through what you're going through now. The Black Knights... the cat  genes... even the fact she thought she was human. Everything is repeating."

I looked down. "...I don't understand... I..."

"Everybody is starting to act differently around you. Some-- er, most of us are turning your back on you. Some of us can't trust you..." said Elliot.

... What...?

"We know none of us is going to marry you; you're going to marry some stranger.: he said

"Wha-what's this about marrying? What does marrying have to do with anything? Is this why no one wants to trust me? Because I'm going to get married?" I snapped. 

What is he talking about? This is stupid! What he's saying is making no sense at all!  I guess I understand time is repeating itself, but... what is this about trusting one another?

"It's not like that!" said Elliot.

I frowned. "Then what is... that?"

Elliot looked away. "We all love you, Angela. ... We're starting to get awkward around you because... you're going to kill us. All of us."

"What makes you say that? I'm different."

Elliot turned to me with innocent eyes. "...Yes, you don't kill... you're too kind to shed blood... Pardon me..."


It was silent after that. Elliot looked down as I was observing the library with my eyes. But the same time, I can't help but now think about my future. Who is Elliot fooling? Time does not repeat itself... I'm a unique person. There is no way I'm living another person's life! 

...But I keep finding myself shaking...

"Sorry for that! Liam is ready for his study!" said Jake, with Liam trailing behind shyly.

Liam sat across from me, as far as the table was.

"Um... Liam?" Jake poked him.

"Ah! Yes!"

Jake nodded at me.

"Mm... yes, sorry, Angela-Hime. Forgive me." said Liam, blushing. He got up and moved over a chair.

Jaked pushed the math text book over towards me as he sat across from me.

"Okay, lets go through what we are reviewing right now-"

"Oh, God, it's math class all over again..." moaned Elliot.

I explained the first problem slowly and gave him tips on how to remember how to do it. The second problem I made him do it but explained what to do when he had a question.

"Then you replace x with 360." I said, reaching over for the eraser, accidentally brushing my hand on Liam's. Liam dropped the pencil and whipped his hand back as if he touched a hot stove.

"Sorry, Angela-Hime!: said Liam, turning red.I frowned at him. "What's wrong?"

Jake smiled, "Should I tell her?"

"No!" Liam shouted.

"Oh, oaky. Blondie knows and I don't?" Elliot rose an eyebrow. "I want to know."

Liam began packing his pencils in his pencil pouch. "It is time for you go, Angela-Hime!"


"Liam dropped everything and banged his fists on the table. "Go home, Angela! Just go home! I never want to see you again! You're a traitor!"

"Liam! Wha-"

He stood up quickly and knocked everything down from the talbe. "Don't do this to me! Don't! Don't! Don't! I trusted you! You're my friend! But you're a traitor!"

"Whoa! Liam! Let's not-"

Liam grabbed Jake's shoudlers and threw him. I jumped up from my chair.

"Liam! What's wrong?" I asked, my voice rose into a panic.

"I hate you, Angie-Hime!" he screamed, "I'll hate you forever!" He began breathing hard and grabbed his hair. Dropping to his knees and began to scream. Holding up his head, sobbing.

Elliot went over to Liam. Jake came over to me. "Go home, Angela. Liam... is upset... Please forgive him. He is never like this." 

I grabbed my gym bag and held Azusa on my hand,

I went to the door, opened it, and ran out, sobbing. Liam... 

Why... is it the future is repeating...?

"Liam... I promise you... I wiill never kill anyone..." I sobbed. "Ever."

Aw, poor, poor Liam.

But great news! I have finally reached chapter fifty! And it's so near! The burning ashes of the underworld! 

Thanks for reading up 'till here! And stay tune for Half-Cat, chapter fifty-one, Zaki!

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