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"Wake up"

My eyes snapped open and I realized that I was in a moving car "Where am I?" I asked groggily.

"Away from them, away from him" 

Tears start falling down my cheeks as I remember Jay, the way he spoke, the crazed look in his eyes. I looked at the driver and was beyond relieved to see who it was "Lane" I said his name as a breath of fresh air.

"I wish I could have told you Rain, I wish I could have told you that I had suspicions of Jay but I knew you'd never believe me. I knew it was true after you got taken, Jay didn't try as hard I did to stop them from taking you, I could tell he was faking. He even tripped me up and played it off as an accident" Lane shook his head.

"Why Lane? Why would Jay do this?" The tears wouldn't stop, the heartache wouldn't stop, I could barely breathe and all I wanted was answers.

"His dad was abusive and I guess The Blacks offered him a family he never had. I don't think that everything was fake, I think he really loved you, how could he not after being your best friend for so many years? But I think ultimately he was given a choice, a fork in the road, and for whatever reason he chose them. I saw he was crying, this was probably hard on him, maybe he wouldn't have done it but I couldn't take that chance" He never looked at me which gave me a sick feeling in my stomach.

"Did you kill him?"

"I don't know" 

That was the end of the conversation, I couldn't handle anything else, I was overloaded with emotions and information. To be honest I wasn't sure that I should even trust Lane, after all I couldn't even trust Jay. I decided that I didn't care. 

I had already accepted my death in the last few days and if Lane ends up being one of them too, I guess it really is fate.

I only wish that I could have died without knowing the truth about Jay. That way at least I could die in peace instead of addled with this heartache and confusion.

He took me back to the FBI building and led me up. There, my dad began hugging me and crying, apologizing for trusting Jay so deeply, to that I couldn't answer I only nodded and sat down.

I sat down in one of the conference rooms with the long tables. Soon I heard a voice that had haunted me for the past few days.

"Hello miss"

I didn't even turn around, only let a single tear roll down my cheek as I chuckled dryly "Come to end it?"

Obviously if Jay couldn't do it they would send the man that had been giving me all this information, my caretaker in a way.

"Of course not, I've come to finish the story. That's what I've done so far isn't it? Provide you with answers to your questions? That's what I'm here to do once more" He sat down across from me and I looked up at him.


"Jayson joined when he was twelve, his father who was a long time member forced him to join, he hated it at first but then became accustomed to the sense of family that he felt. That's apart of the attraction that kids have to gangs, family, especially kids who don't really have one. When they made their first move against you on your fifteenth birthday they told Jay everything, he opposed, he tried to protect you, he certainly loved you but he could not betray the family he had come to know" The man looked at me with pity.

"I was his family"

"It's different, you have no idea the power this gang has over him. Let me tell you, it must be one hell of a power to make him actually betray you. I always figured he would chicken out at the last minute or pretend to be for them but turn on them in your favor. I never expected him to actually go through with it. It's shocking really"

"Is he still alive?" I asked.

"Yes, he's being rushed to the hospital as we speak, just like how the FBI is now raiding all of The Blacks' houses and businesses, they are going down. You are safe miss Lucas, you no longer have to die" 

I didn't know if I should feel relieved or still heartbroken. Just because I didn't die doesn't change the fact that Jay is gone. He may not be dead but he is going to jail, he's killed five people that I know of, he is going to jail for a long time. Even if he wasn't things could never go back to the way they were.

I could never look at Jay the same way again.


"Ronnie? Ryder? What are you guys doing here?"

My friends were standing in the door way wearing concerned looks "We came as soon as we heard it was over" 

I shook my head "I don't understand"

Caretaker looked at me "I've been informing them of everything, these are your cousins of sorts" 

My eyes became wide "What?" 

"Randy's sister Amy went on to have kids, she sent them to live with their aunt and uncle who you know as their mother and father. In reality your cousin Amy, who used to be roommates with your mom, is their mother and I am their father" 

They sat beside me "We're sorry we couldn't tell you" Ronnie says.

I scoffed "Ryder, you used to hit on me"

"Before I knew we were cousins, that's why everything was so awkward when I found out" He scratched the back of his neck.

"So did your mom make you guys join the gang too?"

"No, that's why she sent us away. So we wouldn't have to be apart of the conspiracy against you, our mom felt like she owed your mom that much. That's why she had our dad be the double agent" He smiled.

"Okay, did you guys know about Jay?"

They exchanged a look "I had a suspicion, that's why him and I weren't getting along for a while, he knew that I was catching on to him" Ryder says.

All I could do was laugh "I should be furious but I can do is be grateful that I still have you two" I hugged them both.

I was glad that not everything would have to change, that even though I wouldn't have Jay who was a big part of my life I would have Ronnie and Ryder.

"Hey sweetheart"

And Lane.


Next chapter is the epilogue and then it's done! That will probably be up either today or tomorrow (Most likely tomorrow)

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