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Y'all are going to hate me for real

I sat in that room for days awaiting my certain death. The man said that my death hadn't been decided, I imagined a court putting me on trial, trying to decide whether or not I deserved to die for something I didn't do.

The answer would probably be yes.

I wondered about my dad, Jay, and Lane who were all probably worried sick about me. Jay was probably pacing back and forth cursing and carrying on, Lane was probably blaming Jay for the whole thing.

I, on the other hand wasn't sure what to think or feel. If I escaped then this would haunt me and my children, eventually someone from my family would have to die, I would rather this just end with me.

Yes, it sucked having accept your own death but this tangled ass web that was woven had to be untangled by someone and I guess I was that person.

I would miss my whole family, my friends, Jay and Lane, they would grieve but eventually everything would be okay.

The man came back "They decided to kill you. I truly am sorry miss" He opened the door wider and led me out of the room I had been held in for the last few days. 

"That's fine, I just want to end this" 

He took me into a room that looked like a living room and sat me down on the couch "I want you to be sitting down for this. The person that has been chosen to kill you is someone you know" He says before exiting the room.

"What are you talking about?!" I yelled after him.

Someone I knew.

"Wow, this actually might be harder than I thought" I heard the oh so familiar voice and didn't know what to feel.


I turned around and sure enough it was my boyfriend Jay standing in front of me. 

Holding a gun.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Sunshine. I didn't want to do this, I didn't think they would actually make me"

My heart was beating fast, my mind was frazzled.

This can't be happening.

This is not happening.

"What are you talking about? Jay, what's going on"

He sighed "I joined when I was twelve, I didn't know that they were after you. My dad made me join, I hate him so much. On your fifteenth birthday they told me that they were going to make their move, I tried to protect you Rain. I tried my hardest but they have their minds made up. They want you dead and I have to be the one to do it" He walked towards me but I quickly moved backwards.

"Stay away. You're a liar! You lied to me my whole life"

"No! I love you, but these people are the only family I have Rain, what do you want me to do? I'm sorry, but we couldn't have had a life together anyway, they would've come after us" 

Tears were free falling down my cheeks, I felt like my whole life was a lie. The one person I trusted with everything I had was Jay.

Now, he's going to kill me.

"How could you do this to me? How could you do this Jay"

"It's not easy Rain! You think this is easy for me?! You think I want this?! If I had a choice we would be together but I don't. You have no idea how hard this is, how hard these past few years have been. Just, please forgive me Rain" He was crying.

He aimed the gun and cocked it "Please forgive me Rain"

"I loved you Jay, I loved you" I whispered before shutting my eyes.

The gun shot was loud but wasn't followed by pain or blackness. 

It was followed by arms wrapping around me and carrying away. 

There was a pain in my neck, followed by a drowsy feeling and a voice.

"Hang in there sweetheart"


It's okay if you hate me, I hate myself.

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