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The next day I decided not to confront Jay about his little breakdown, I figured that he would probably want to forget it happened and what kind of best friend would I be if I didn't allow that to happen?

"Rain, you're not going to school" My dad says just as I was about to walk out the door.

"What?" I asked.

"I said that you aren't going to school today, Janelle is visiting from Milan and I want you to keep her company" He said grabbing his keys.

Janelle was my mom's best friend. My dad told me that after my mom died, Janelle left the country because she was too broken hearted to stay. She always made sure she was in my life though, she came back on holidays and for my birthday. 

She's a huge fashion mogul which is why she was in Milan.

"Oh, okay. When will she be here?" 

"In about two hours" He tells me getting his coffee.

My dad is a pilot but he hasn't had a flight in a while. Now, he has his first flight in about a month. He is going to London so he won't be home for a few days.

"Can Jay come over while you're gone?" I asked.

"I would actually recommend it. Wouldn't want you to get too lonely. Janelle is only in town for two days and I'll be gone for a week"

My eyes widened "What?"

"Yeah, sorry. I have back to back flights" He kisses me on top of my head.

"Love you Rain"

"I love you too dad, be safe" 

"Of course, I'm the best" He smirks.

He walks out the door with his luggage, leaving me with my thoughts. I wished that I could go to school so I could see Jay and let him know that everything was fine between us.

I decided to text him even though I knew he wouldn't see it until he got home because he would be so busy with football practice and classes. 

Me: Hey, not gonna be at school today. Janelle is in town.

I sent it hoping that he would believe me and not think that I was lying and avoiding him. I sighed heavily and let my mind wander back to last night and how everything went left. We were having such a great time and then those guys showed up and he freaked out.

Why did he freak out so badly?

I decided to just forget it.

I felt trapped being inside but I didn't want to leave because I knew that Janelle would be coming over and I didn't want to leave and risk her coming to an empty house. 

I went to the front porch and sat there just thinking about everything.

"What'cha thinking about there sweetheart?" I heard a smug voice say.

I looked up to see a guy walking up to the porch and sitting down "I'm sorry, do I know you?" I scoffed.

"Nah. The name is Lane Franklin" He smirked and held his hand out.

I tentatively shook it "Rain Lucas" I introduced myself confused as to why this was happening.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Cruising. Actually my mom and I moved in the next neighborhood over and I'm just getting used to the area" He explained.

"So you just sit on random people's porches?" 

"No, just yours" He was still smirking.

He smirk reminded me of Jay. He had a similar smirk when he was being mischievous "Well, good to meet you Lane" I say getting up.

"You too Rain" He got up, flashed me a mega watt smile and strolled off my porch and down the street like nothing ever happened.

I shook my head still trying to process the odd interaction I just had with this guy.

I felt exhausted when I got in the house so I decided to go upstairs and nap while I waited for Janelle.

I fell asleep while juggling thoughts about Jay, last night, and the strange encounter in my head wondering when my life was going to miraculously go back to normal because it seemed that last night was a one way ticket down the rabbit hole.


Sorry it's so short! But two updates in one day!!!! Well technically it is 4:32 am on SUNDAY when I'm posting this but still...

Hopefully the next chapter is longer! If you guys don't remember from the first Bad Boy, Janelle was Joey's best friend... 

Hope you guys enjoyed! Follow me on Twitter and Instagram for updates and sneak peaks! My Instagram is private but I will approve (My mom makes me have it private...) My Instagram is iadorexoiya and my Twitter is also iadorexoiya.

Love you guys!  

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