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"So what are we going to do?" Ronnie asks as we walked out of school.

"Not sure but I do know that this girl over here has detention" Jay smirks at me and I roll my eyes.

"As if I'm going to that, if my dad found out I got detention he would shit a sideways brick" I scoffed.

My dad was a real hard ass about getting good grades in school and staying out of trouble, of course he can't really judge because uncle Brian has told me all about how he used to get into trouble at school.

I walk up to Jay's car and get in the passenger seat "Wait I call shot gun" Ronnie whines, Jay laughs at her.

"You know she has a standing shotgun in my car right?" He says getting in.

Ronnie glares at me causing me to stick my tongue out at her "Sucks to suck doesn't it?" 

"I'm sure it does" Jay laughs once again.

Jay and Ronnie get into the car with Ronnie still grumbling about something having to do with calling shot gun and the rules of 'the dibs.'

Apparently she has never heard of lasting dibs.

"We could go to the mall" Ronnie suggests.

I groan "I already went and besides I need help figuring out my prank" 

"Forget it, I am not going to assist you in getting expelled" I could see Ronnie crossing her arms across her chest through the rear view mirror.

"Can someone just tell where we're going so I can get the hell out this parking lot?" Jay said resting his head on the steering wheel.

"To my house" I tell him sitting back against the seat.

"Eureka!" His head shoots up and he starts the car driving off the student parking lot.

"Ryder just texted me, he said he wants to hang with us" Ronnie said looking at her phone.

"Well if he's hanging out with us then we can't go to Rain's house" Jay said groaning.

"Why not?"

"Because my dad hates Ryder, he says that he reminds him of himself when he was that age and apparently that's a bad thing"  I explain the more than awkward conversation I had with my dad about how Ryder was bad influence and such.

"Well isn't Jay always sneaking in through your window? Can't Ryder do that?" Ronnie shrugs.

"Yes but I mastered that through years of trial and error; it's not as easy as it seems" Jay got all hunched over and tense.

He didn't like it when other people use what he deemed his window, he was possessive over it which I understood giving what the window stood for. Everything that happened in both of our lives causing him to run to the window or causing me to call him to it.

"You can teach him Jay" I offer and he shakes his head.

"Fine then just pull up at my house and I'll ditch my backpack and get the Prank Book and then we can have Ryder meet us at the park" I modify my original offer because I could see that Jay was not going to budge on the window.

"Sounds like a plan" Jay agreed making a right to get to my house.

"I'll text Ryder" Ronnie says with her fingers rapidly typing on her phone.

"You need to get over this attachment you have with my bedroom" I whispered to Jay knowing that when Ronnie was on her phone she completely tuned things out.

"Why? That room was my safe haven Rain and I don't want to share that with anyone especially Ryder" He scoffs.

"Whatever, at one point or another you are going to have to-"

"I don't have to do anything Rain, I really don't. I love that room and you can't take that away from me"

"I'm not trying to" I sigh.

This was getting exasperating but I don't know what I expected when I brought this up, I knew he was attached to my window and my bedroom "Look, you know what happened in your room. All of the reasons I slept over and everything I was trying to escape, I don't want to share those memories and that window with Ryder. Sue me" 

I officially had given up on the argument because I realized that I didn't have one. Jay was going to do what he wanted and not do what he didn't want and apparently that was show Ryder how to use my bedroom window. I guess it's for the best because I wouldn't want Ryder to think that he could use it whenever he pleased.

Jay pulled into my driveway and put the car in park "Hurry up" He shoos me out of the car.

Getting out the car I hoped that my dad wasn't home because I was sure that Mr. Gomez would have called my house informing my dad on how I didn't show up for detention today. I look around the driveway and don't see his car so I take that as a good sign that he wasn't home.

I was very wrong.

"Rain Abigail Lucas!" Was the first thing I heard when I walked into my house.

"Hey dad" I slightly waved.

He looked absolutely furious "I just got a call from your school and you got detention and skipped it! Why did you get detention Rain?" He questions crossing his arms.

"It was just a stupid bet ok? I didn't want to drink Jay's spit" He raises an eyebrow and rests his head in his hand.

"What did I tell you about making spit related bets?" He muttered.

"Not to?"


For some reason we both started laughing "Rain just don't do anything like this again ok?" He chuckled and I nodded.

"Go" He nodded towards upstairs.

I ran up there before he changed his mind. I shifted through the junk in my room before I finally found the big books of pranks, I had thought that Ronnie had it but then I remembered that I had been the last one to pull a prank.

I grabbed my other backpack that I use as a purse, I hate regular purses, and throw my phone, wallet, laptop and the chargers plus the prank book and closed it so nothing fell out. I go downstairs "Dad I'm going to the park with Jay and Ronnie!" I leave out Ryder because he would flip.

"Okay!" He yelled back.

I get back inside the car "Took you long enough" Jay scoffed starting the car again.

"Sorry, my dad really did shit a sideways brick about detention as predicted" I shrug.

"TO THE PARK!" Ronnie yelled bouncing in her seat.

"Did you give her candy?" I raised an eyebrow at Jay.





"Fine" He nods and I groan.

Great, now we have to deal with her sugar rush all day long until she crashes.

"HURRY UP JAY LET'S BLOW THIS POPSICLE STAND" Ronnie bounces harder on the seat and starts giggling.

I turn and glare at Jay "Sorry"


Hi!! I hope that you are enjoying it!!! If you read my book Lyland then I'll have an update out on it really soon.


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