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I skipped school the next day, I knew I was going to be in seriously trouble and I would have tons of work to do but I couldn't face Jay.

Not after I kicked him out.

I sat and ate my breakfast as I thought of all my best friend had done for me. How he worked so hard to protect me and how he had to carry the burden of keeping this secret from me.

And all I did was yell at him and kick him out.

Why did I get so upset?

I knew that I had to talk to him but I didn't know how to go about it. I didn't know how to talk to him.

I was startled out of thoughts by a hard knock on the door.

I practically ran to it hoping that it was Jay but it wasn't.

"Oh hey Ronnie" I say.

"We need to talk" She says pushing her way in.

She shut the door behind her and sat on the couch.

"What's up?" I asked.

"You are in love with Jay" It wasn't a question.


"Don't deny it. I guess I always knew" She shrugged.

I knew that she had a huge crush on Jay so this was hard for me because she's my best friend.

"I'm sorry" I hang my head.

"It's my own fault. Anyone with eyes could see that you two are head over heals for each other" She chuckled humorlessly.

"Ronnie I-"

"Jay is devolving. He got into three fights today and sent a guy to the emergency room. At this point you're the only person who can help him"

That sounded like Jay.

"Why me?"

"Do you really think that he would listen to anyone else? That's what made me realize that I never had a chance with him. How can I be with someone I can't comfort in a time of crisis? I can't" She shakes her head and stands up.

"One of the football players heard Jay say that he was going to Scene" She tells me.

"Great" I roll my eyes.

Scene was this super goth store that was more emo than Hot Topic and Spencer's combined.

Usually people go there because the manager sells weed which would be the only reason why Jay was going there.

"Good luck" She says walking towards the door.

"Ronnie" I call.


"I really am sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen"

"I know Rain. I still love you" She smiles before walking out.

It made me happy that she was cool with whatever was between Jay and I.

"Janelle! I'm leaving!" I yell before leaving.

I needed to talk to Jay. I needed to tell him that I was sorry and that I liked and possibly loved him.

I got in the car and drove to Scene which was one the edge of a really bad neighborhood so I felt weird being there.

I got out and locked the car, looking around for Jay. I walked around to the back of the store thinking that Jay would be there because that's where people go to smoke weed.

Just as I was about to reach the back I saw two guys.

One guy was bleeding and on the floor and the other guy was standing above him holding something.

I looked harder.

It was a gun. I had to cover my mouth to prevent sounds from coming out.

I felt tears roll down my cheeks and couldn't help but squeal when the gun went off.

The guy's head snapped up and I knew he heard me. I was frozen in place, I couldn't run or speak.

He turned around and looked me in the eyes.

I nearly passed out when I saw who it was.



BAM WHAT?! How's that? You like that?!


I got excited.

The Bad Boy's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now