"I'm not asking for my freedom," I said softly, "All I'm asking for is answers. Your mother is clearly not in this village, so where are you taking us."

Roan took a step towards me, and worried that he might walk into the sword, I took a step back.

"What is wrong with you?" I gasped, stunned that he had taken that risk, "Do you want me hanged for killing you too?"

"See, that's the thing, isn't it," a soft smirk smeared across his face, "You're not going to kill me. You point that weapon at me, but what exactly is the purpose of it, Xavier?"

I was panting now. The intensity of the situation was growing.

Suddenly, I glanced over my shoulder when I heard the familiar sound of gunshots.

I gasped when I realized whom that might have been, and glanced at John. He nodded, and shoved Esop, who lost his balance and fell backwards. He said to me, "Run, Xavier!"

Wait, what is going on?

I gave a quick glance at Roan who was reaching for his sword. He glared at me.

"They're over there!" I heard a distant voice scream out.


I glanced over at John running towards the gunshots and came to a momentary realization. John was working for Arkadia all this time. That's why he knew to run away. He knew Bellamy and the group would be coming for me.

But, why?

"Either you're very slow," Roan's voice interrupted my thoughts and I saw him hit the sword from my hands and move towards me, "Or you're not very smart. Either way," he grabbed me by my shirt, "You're dying right here, right now."

"Run," I muttered.

Roan tilted his head to a side, confused, "What,"

"Get on your horse," I gulped, "Get out of here."

Roan stared at me, for a bit, confused as to why I was telling him to escape.

"Damn it, Roan," I barked when I heard more gunshots. I grabbed his wrist and dragged him towards his horse. I mounted on first and glanced down at him, who was still confused, "Do you want to get shot?"

When I glanced over my shoulder and saw a group of uniformed guards with rifles running towards us at a distant, I glanced back at Roan, "Get on the horse, Roan,"

Letting a frustrated growl, he mounted onto the horse and we rode off as fast as we could. As we rode, I glanced over my shoulders to see if the guards had stopped, but only one of them had. I saw him aim his rifle towards us.

"Keep your head down," I shouted.

But it was too late.

Roan roared in pain when the gun was fired, and he took a bullet. I felt his weight against my back, and I grew concerned. "Hold on tight!"

How the hell did those guys find me, anyway?


"You're lucky," I said as I examined the bullet wound on his shoulder, "It only hit your shoulder."

We had taken refuge in a cave we had discovered after riding for a long time. When it started to get dark, and when we couldn't find any other village nearby, I had to come to the decision to camp in the cave until the sun came back up again.

Roan flinched when I gently wiped the blood from the wound using a wet cloth.

The cave was convenient. It was big enough for the horse to fit in, and there was a small pond filled with fresh water. I had set up a small fire so that it wasn't too dark.

The Skaikru X (Sequel) (The 100)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang