Chapter 30

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*art by me. It's my OC, Sophie
No one P.O.V

"Alright we're going to play Elemental Tag today!" Jay exclaims, jumping into the room where everyone is seated. He eagerly looks at everyone, his electric blue eyes looking excited. "We haven't played that in forever," Lloyd muses, taking out his earphones. "Let's play in the forest right below the dojo," Cole suggests. "Good idea! Let's go!" Nya exclaims. Looking just as excited as her boyfriend. Then they all realize that Sophie never asked what Elemental Tag is. Lloyd snickers to himself and snatches the book Sophie is reading from her hands. "Hey!" Sophie pouts and swings her arms up to get the book. Lloyd puts it aside. "What's the big idea?!" Sophie questions, looking upset since the book was at its climax. "We're gonna play Elemental Tag!" Jay answers. "It's basically tag, but we can use our powers," Lloyd adds. "It does help with skill," Zane also adds. "Alright, fine. Just don't snatch a book from my hands," Sophie mumbles.

Everyone is now in a circle. In the forest somewhere. They are now playing rock, paper, clam. (At least I think it's clam) The boundaries of this game is the forest. If you leave, you lose automatically, unless Sensei calls you and what not.

"Aw, c'mon!" Jay sighs. "Haha you're it! Now count to 60," Lloyd says. Jay covers his eyes and starts to count. Everyone else runs away, trying to get as far away as possible. Jay opens his eyes. He checks the area near him, no one. Several different methods to find his targets flow through his brain. None of them too effective though. "Enie, meanie, miny, mo, catch a villain by its toe. If it bites you, let it go. Enie, meanie, miny, mo," his finger lands in the direction North. Jay starts to walk, hoping to find someone.

Kai walks around, everything looking the same to him. "Ughhhhhhhhhhhh, I'm SO out of my element," Kai mumbles to himself. After a while, he gets board with walking around. Thinking that no one will find him here, he sits down and leans against a tree. He pulls out his phone and sees that he still has some bars. So he calls Skylor. "Hey Sky," Kai says once she picks up the phone. "Hey Kai, what's up?" Skylor asks. To Kai, even though her voice sounds distorted through the phone, her voice always makes his heart beat faster, its one of his favorite sounds you could say. "Playing Elemental Tag with everyone," Kai answers.

"Sounds fun."

"It is. What are you up too?"

"Nothing, just lying on my couch after work."

"Why don't you come over? If you're board that is.."

"It's fine, I have some business matters to take care of."

"Aw, well suit yourself. I guess even a princess has to work more then she wants."

"Hehe, you always make me blush whenever you call me Princess."

"What if I called you my Queen after we're married?"

"Then I'll call you my King. Simple as that."

A light blush lands on both of them. The very thought of them being married sends a happy vibe through both of them. Even though they're not really at that age yet.

"If anyone else was listening they'd think we were flirting."

"I guess in a way we are. Besides, you sure know how to flatter a girl."

"One of my specialties."

"Haha, SO funny. Anywho-"

Kai gets zapped. Jay laughs as Kai growls and turns to him. "I was talking!" Kai almost yells. "So? You let your guard down," Jay smiles and laughs. "Good luck hot head!" Jay calls out as he runs off. "Argh, if only there were no tag backs. Then I could seriously-oh forget it," Kai mumbles. He looks around, wondering where to go next. "I guess I'll just walk until I find someone," Kai concludes and heads off in a random direction.

The Energy In Me (a Ninjago fan fic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang