Chapter 13

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Kai P.O.V
"You do realize how dangerous it is to be on your own, right?" I had asked Skylor. "I almost beat you in a fight. What's the point in worrying?" Skylor had replied. "Key word: almost."

But that was yesterday, wonder what's going on now...

I could call...

I stare at the sunrise, the sky turning pink and purple and gold, making the sun seem like a ruby in the sky. It's kinda calming, but what's not calming is the sudden appearance of Lloyd, Misako and Miranda after they were captured. I mean, they don't even know where they were. Lloyd didn't seem to have a clue who kidnapped him. Misako and Miranda definitely know...they always avoid that question whenever someone asks. Even Sensei doesn't know what's going on. If anyone seems like they're hiding secrets it's Miranda. She's been on edge ever since they came back. Always following around Sophie, which is really creepy, in a way.

"Goodness," I hear someone say irritably. I turn around and see Sophie, doing something on the new phone Misako gave her. "What's wrong?" I ask. Sophie looks up. "Oh sorry Kai, I didn't mean to disturb you," she says. "Don't need to act like Zane. So is there something wrong with your phone?" I ask again. "No...I just can't figure out how to use it, that's all," Sophie answers. "Maybe I can help?" I suggest. "Thanks but I should learn how to use it on my own," Sophie replies and starts to head back in. "Oh! Nya wanted to ask you something...and everyone else is looking for you," she adds and disappears into the hall. Looking for me? I walk back in, trying to find everyone else.

"They told me not to tell you guys but I need to get this out," Lloyd starts. We're in our room, in a circle, on the floor. "Then why not let Sophie know?" Nya questions. "Well...Miranda doesn't want me to tell her for some reason," Lloyd answers. Nya nods, clearly she's not buying something. "Anyway...all I know is that this woman who kidnapped us is named Kate. Mom and Miranda have some history with her, a.k.a Kate is their sister. She has some sort of grudge with them that's dragging along me and Sophie for some reason. Mom never mentioned having siblings nor having a niece so that raises my suspicions," Lloyd says. "And if what I'm thinking is correct, then that means that Kate is Sophie's mom. They're opposites but it's possible," Lloyd adds. "One way to be sure: ask Sophie," Jay concludes. "Unless Miranda's hiding that too," Zane brings up a good point. "We won't know if we don't ask," Cole says. "I think it would make more sense if me or Nya asked," I suggest. "Hmm, good point," Nya mumbles thoughtfully. "You ask," Nya says. "Me? But I don't know how to bring it up! That sounds weird but yeah!" I protest.

I can't believe I let them make me do this! Ugh. I walk out into the deck. Sensei Wu was talking to Sophie. "You still need to train," I hear Sensei say.

"You don't mind if I ask you something right?"

"Not at all...what is it?"

"I was just wondering...Sensei, is Miranda keeping secrets from me? I know I shouldn't accuse her of something like that 'cause she's always told me the truth but still, I have this feeling that she's hiding something."

Sensei scratches the back of his neck nervously. I've been known to do that too. "I can't say," Sensei says, offering a smile. Sophie smiles back. "Well we'll start tomorrow," he adds. "If it's necessary," Sophie sighs. Sensei walks back in, passing by me. "Miranda really should've told her already," Sensei mumbles to himself and walks into his room. Told her about what? That her mom is a kidnapper? That info should've been told a LONG time ago. I walk over, trying not to seem suspicious. " you like it here?" I ask casually. "Can't say I don't..." her voice trails off. "You and Nya have been getting along pretty well...question: how'd you meet Skylor?" I ask, trying to start the convo again. "Nya's a great person. As for how I met Skylor, well, I had to leave my home. I've never been past the broken mailbox near my house so I had no idea where I was going when I left. I ended up at the noodle house Skylor runs and that's how she and I became friends. At least I think she considers me a friend," Sophie answers, while putting her hands into fists. "You bet she does. Nya told you anything about herself?" I question. It's probably not the best but at least it's getting somewhere.

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