Chapter 20

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The black haired woman walked around the house, looking under every blanket and around every corner. "Where are those two?" She mumbled to herself. With a sigh she headed upstairs. She walked into her room and sat down on the bed. After a while she went downstairs to see two little figures sitting on the couch. The brunette was reading a book, moving her arms around in different motions and changing her voice based on the characters. While the blonde was listening, looking at the book. That sparked something in the woman. Memories that were bittersweet. "There you two are!" The woman exclaimed. "Auntie!" The brunette smiled and ran over to the woman. "Oh, hi aunt," the blonde said, leaping off the couch and coming over. The woman embraced the brunette with a smile, then turned to the blonde. "So anyone wants candy?" The woman asked. The blonde's green eyes lit up. "Yes please!" He smiled brightly. The woman gave him a piece of candy and the blonde gave her a hug. "Aww!" The brunette smiled and joined the hug. "You two have to promise me something," the woman started. The two kids looked at each other, confused. "Promise what?" The kids asked in unison. The woman's face went from friendly, to dead serious. "Promise me that you won't ever hurt each other. Promise me!" The woman looked at them desperately. Her hazel eyes were pleading, and begging, for them to promise. Even though she knew...Both kids looked at each other worriedly. "Of course auntie. I don't want to hurt anyone for that matter," the brunette said. She meant it. "I promise. I don't want to hurt anyone either," the blonde said. He meant it too.

Lloyd P.O.V

After having...a really awkward situation and I mean really awkward, I head towards the room where all our video games are. I walk in to see Miranda sitting down on the couch with her hands on her temples. "Aunt?" I ask, walking closer to the games. She was crying? I know everyone cries, but like, I have never seen her cry before. Uh what do I do? "Sorry. I'll go," Miranda answers and gets up. I watch as she makes her way to the door. "I didn't want to hurt anyone. It seems that's all I can do now...never mind. Take care of each other okay?" Miranda says. She looks back with a sad smile. "Yeah...I will," I answer quietly. I look at the games and then look back to see her already gone.

Take care of each other okay?

I've heard something similar before...

I start to play Fist to Face to get my mind off of things.

I'm the Green Ninja...I'm always taking care of everyone as much as I can.

With a sigh I close the game and lay down on the floor. This isn't the first time something like this has happened...

Why does everyone always have the need to hide things?

All it does is hurt people...but the again, I guess it keeps people from having a totally messed up childhood. hurts...

Cole P.O.V

I yawn as I walk up the steps to the top floor. I'm looking for a certain book that I think I've left up there. I reach the top floor and see Sophie on the couch. When did she get here? I walk around, looking for the book. Trying to be as quiet as I can, since she's asleep. Turns out the book is on the table near the couch. I grab it.

"Oh, good morning Cole."

I turn to see Sophie awake. "Good morning to you too. Did I wake you up? Sorry," I mumble out. "No..this is your place anyways. I guess I just fell asleep reading a book," Sophie replies. It's like that whole thing didn't even faze her...

But if you actually look into her eyes, you can see that she's still sad about the whole thing. "You wanna talk about it?" I ask. Sophie shakes her head. "I doubt you wanna hear me complain," she smiles. "Maybe...but it does help to get that out you know? It'll make you feel better..." I say and sit on the couch too. "Seriously, it's all good," Sophie look in the opposite direction. Well that's your answer to know that it's affected her a lot more then I know. "C'mon, I know you want to tell someone about it. I guess it's probably because you always told Miranda everything..that you just don't know who to share it with," I say. It's obvious. Again, those two have been cut off from people for the most part and Miranda is Miranda.

"Is it that obvious? I guess I need some help," Sophie sighs and looks at her hands. " is. And yes you do. It does no good to bottle up emotions like that. You'll eventually feel the pain," I reply. I sound like a counselor! But at least I'm helping. "So spill," I add.

"Okay. Honestly, I'm just confused on how to take this. Do I cry about it? Do I get mad at Miranda? I'm not though. I'm just mad at myself. For being so stu-clueless! I should've known better! But no! I just had to ignore the clues Miranda was dropping. It's not her fault. I should've been smarter and have the courage to face the truth! But I didn't, I'm too scared of everything...of this world. It's not what I thought it would be like....I guess I was just as scared to admit to myself that my dreams and hopes couldn't be true. I'm just...I don't even know," Sophie spills. She lifts her gaze, and shows me that her eyes are brimmed with tears. Oh man she's crying! What do I do? "I-I need a friend I think. Someone other than Miranda..." Sophie's voice trails off. She's trying really hard not to cry. I put my hand on hers to let her know it okay. "E-Ever since I was little I wanted to be j-just like my parents...because they would help people. B-but now I know that they're criminals...and that I'm the granddaughter of the Overlord. I-I don't want to be like them! I w-won't turn out to be like them...right?" Sophie cries. Looking at me right in the eye. She looks sad...and kinda desperate...but mostly sad...

Knowing the only why to give a friend some reassurance, I give Sophie a hug. At this point, she's full out crying. I honestly feel bad. The poor girl didn't know how to look at the problem. She respects her aunt so much as to the fact that she won't blame her about this. Instead, bring the blame on herself. "Hey It's most definitely will NOT turn out like your parents. You don't have to follow in their footstep, you can make your own feel better now right?" I ask softly. "Yeah...thank you Cole," Sophie says. She moves away and gives me a smile. "Your welcome," I smile back.

A/n: hey uh, to anyone who's reading this could you please vote to let me know that it's being read? Or comment if you don't like some part or anything else for that matter...I just tend to lose my confidence when I think no one is reading. Just, um, comment at least if you don't want to vote...

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