Chapter 4

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"Oh that's your aunt, Miranda," Misako smiles, holding her sister's hand. She couldn't believe that she was still alive, after all these years...
"Didn't you have a niece?" Wu asks, recalling a memory. "I did...I don't know if she's alive or," Miranda stopped herself from saying the next word. She didn't want to think negatively, it never helps. Misako gently squeezes her hand.

I walked home after running my errand. Yawning, I dumped that cash that I had earned from my late night shift, in my pocket. I look up to see the house, on the ground. I quickly run over. "Sophie!" I yell, digging through the debris. "No, no no no no!" I hiss underneath my breath. A single tear fell from my eye as I couldn't find a trace of anything. Stay positive, I told myself. Stay positive, she's smart. She wouldn't stay in the house if it was falling apart. I checked around the area, went through the forest, even checked the abandoned homes that were half gone, nothing. I scolded myself again and again for this, it was all my fault. The girl I've raised as my own daughter is now gone because I didn't want to expose her. To the world.

"My, Lloyd's all grown up," Miranda notices, her hazel eyes recognizing the little baby she had carried once, and had seen him other times too, but it's best to keep quiet about it. "And you all, I recognize you all," Miranda adds, looking at all the ninja now. Studying them with her eyes, reliving memories. Made them all squirm in place and look around awkwardly. "You really didn't change," Wu laughs. "Of course I didn't," Miranda replies. "Of course you recognize them all! You held them when they were babies! You even predicted that they would be the next Elemental Masters! You're right though," Misako says. "Ah," Miranda breathes. "This is kinda awkward," Jay whispers. He let out a sneeze, cheeks still red, and shocking everyone near him. Making everyone's hair stand up. The ninja glared at Jay who blew his nose into a tissue and mumbling sorry. "Well I should get going," Miranda says and gets up. "What? Why? I haven't seen you for all these years! You only talk to me for like a few minutes and then want to leave?" Misako questions, glaring at her sister. "I want to stay...but I'll be living with the guilt that I didn't try and look for my niece. You know why Misako," Miranda answers. Misako sighs. Her face a mix of sadness, fear and worried, then gives Miranda her cloak. "But you just got here," Lloyd mumbled. Miranda put her cloak on, only letting her hazel eyes show. "I'll see you soon Misako. You too Wu, I promise," Miranda says. "Miranda wait!" Wu calls out, but she walks out and doesn't turn back.

"What was she talking about mom?" Lloyd asks his mother, once they were in her room. "None of your business," Misako answers, a bit more harshly then she meant to. "Oh okay," Lloyd said slowly, then backed up. "I'm sorry. It's just that I thought it would've blown over by now..."

Lloyd digs through his old little toy box. It was filled with random stuff he collected over the years. "C'mon where is it?" He hisses underneath his breath. Kai raises an eyebrow at him, then goes back on his phone. "Found it!" Lloyd exclaimed, pulling out a purple bracelet. "Found what?" Zane asks. Lloyd looks to see everyone looking at him to make sure he was okay. "Oh it's nothing for you to be concerned about," Lloyd answers, hiding the bracelet behind his back. Zane didn't look to sure...everyone else just shrugs and goes back to what they were doing. "Have you guys heard about the kidnapping going on all over Ninjago?" Jay asks, showing them the latest news report on his phone. "No. This looks serious. We should probably investigate," Cole suggests. "Isn't that the police's job?" Lloyd questions. "Cole's right. Let's tell Nya, maybe she can get some info on this," Kai says. So they all follow him out to the bridge.

Nya, Zane and Jay were looking up information on the kidnapping and were busy, while the other 3 were leaning against the wall, doing nothing but whistling. "If you aren't gonna help and least keep it down!" Nya scolds the 3 of them. They all instantly stop. "Ugh. We can't just sit around here doing nothing! I say we 3 go out in the field," Lloyd suggests. "I agree with Lloyd. Let's go," Cole says. "Ah ah ah," Sensei Wu stops them, "I need you 3 to go through these files of all the evidence the police have found," he completes. Giving them each a ton of files. The 3 groan loudly, earning a shush from the other 3. "Man I hate reading!" Kai complains, going through his file. "Stop complaining, cuz it won't get you anywhere bro," Cole states, reading his file intently. Lloyd felt like maybe what his mother was hiding from him was somehow related to the kidnapping going on. So he took his time, trying to figure out a way that it could be.

It took them forever to read everything. The evidence wasn't helpful, nor was the information that Nya, Zane and Jay found. "This doesn't make ANY sense! All this and we have nothing!" Jay complains, throwing his arms up in defeat. Then sneezes, pulls out a tissue and blows his nose. "You should get some rest. That cold won't get any better," Zane suggests. Sneezing again, Jay shook his head no. "I wanna help," Jay protests. "You won't be helping anyone if your cold gets worse," Nya argues and pushes him out, then leads him to his room. Another sneeze in response. "Jay's right. We don't even have a clue leading to whoever may have done this. For all we know it could be multiple kidnappers," Lloyd agrees. "Well. I guess we're gonna need to let the police handle this?" Kai starts. "Nope. We're gonna help them," Cole finishes.

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