Chapter 9

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No....I can't let it happen.

"Why do you have your face like that?" Misako asks. Lily carried the baby....the baby that isn't mine...isn't anyones' here....

"I can sense the power in her," Lily says, smiling brightly. "Oh that's wonderful! The next elemental master for energy! We know all the new ones know," Misako exclaims. It's our duty....assigned to figure out who the next Elemental Masters would be. "I won't let it happen," I declare. "What!? Why!?" Misako and Lily cry at the same time. "There's darkness in her. I'm telling you, I WONT let her become an Elemental Master. She finds out that and Ninjago is doomed. If she doesn't everything will be fine," I argue.

"Your nuts! You can't stop that!" Lily protests. "You know very well why, both of you. Our family isn't at it's greatest and I'm not going to let anyone else die from Kate's hand," I tell them firmly. "Listen. Miranda you can't do anything about matter how hard you try. I should know," Lily says. "Lily is right. You can't change destiny," Misako adds. "But I can delay it," I say....

"You made some mistake. Letting her know that her last name is Overlord. And what were you even thinking about letting her be with the ninja? She'll know for sure soon," Kate continues. "That won't happen," Miranda mumbles to herself. "You keep telling yourself that," Kate rolls her eyes. "Your telling her she made mistakes!? She doesn't know what she's doing!? Look at you! You were willing to kill your own daughter to bring back your father-in-law!" Misako snaps. "Says the one who sent her son off to a school for bad boys when you all knew he was gonna be the Green Ninja," Kate snaps back. "I KNOW I made that mistake. I don't know what I wouldn't give to spend that time with him. I regret it everyday! And you call yourself a mother," Misako scoffs. "What can I say? I'm such a savage," Kate smiles. "And you keep telling yourself that your young," Miranda rolls her eyes. A knife slices some of her skin off. Misako gasps. "Still the same old Kate," Miranda chuckles....

Zane P.O.V
Of course there was something fishy going on....

If even Sensei doesn't know what's going on then I don't know who does. "So what's our plan of action?" Kai asks. "First off I need you all to be on your guard. Don't let it down for a second," Sensei says. "Second. Me and Sophie will stay here," he continues. "I don't know if that's the wisest choice Sensei...what if you get attacked?" I reason. Sensei laughs. "I'm touched that you're concerned but I can beat all of you in a battle! You 6 have nothing to fear," Sensei answers. That's when I see that everyone looks concerned. "C'mon guys we need to go," Cole says, rushing out the door. We all follow, summoning our dragons and flying off. A new foe? But then how would he or she know Sophie? According to her story she's never been outside before...unless it's a family member who knows, but Misako never mentioned Sophie or anyone else for that matter......

Something is wrong....

I can sense it....

This won't end well will it?

I keep thinking...there must be a reason behind this. "Don't stress yourself over it Zane," Pixal tells me, smiling, making me feel like everything is right in the world. "What can I do Pixal? I'm sure there's something going on...and I want to know what," I reply. "If they even laid a finger on my mom," Lloyd growls. "Your mom is with the person who sent the note!?" Nya asks in disbelief. "I know for sure she is! That's why she told me to keep everyone from leaving the bounty!" Lloyd answers. Even more fisher then I thought. So Misako does know what's going on...

We land at the the closet ones to the bounty that is. "Sure gives ya the creepy vibe," Jay says...then sneezes. "Your still sick, I thought I told you to rest!" Nya scolds him. "Gessh I couldn't let you guys go on your own," Jay replies. Nya sighs. "Don't say I didn't warn ya," Nya mumbles. I scan the area. "There's signs of life...but it's well hidden," I report, looking around. "Like Sensei said, be on guard," Lloyd reminds us. We all look around, unsure of what to expect.

"You 6 aren't who I've asked for...I'm not interested. I guess I'll just have to do what I have to do," a voice calls. "Who are you!?" Lloyd screams into the sky. "None of your concern," the voice calls out again. "That voice sends a chill down my spine," Cole shudders. "I wanted my daughter not whoever you guys are," the voice, definitely of a woman's, calls out again. "You don't know who we are!?" Kai gasps. "You can tell her that she's gonna lose the one person she holds dearly to her heart," the woman's voice cackles. "Well you have my mom so your gonna have to show yourself or I'm gonna find you!" Lloyd yells. "Dude! Don't be stupid!" Jay cries. "They have my mom!" Lloyd snaps. "Ah. I thought I recognized the have the eyes of my dad," the woman says. "In that case,"

"I can't see anything!"

"Who turned out the lights!?"

"That crazy person!"

"Everyone calm down!"

"I can't on my light!"

A scream.

I could see again...but there's NO LLOYD!

"LLOYD WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU!?" We all scream. "Oh this bad...very bad...." Nya mumbles to herself. "We need to get back and tell Sensei! I can sense any life forms besides ours," I urge. "Are you okay? Some idiot just took Lloyd and you wanna leave?" Kai snaps. "Like Zane said the lady isn't here anymore so we can't do anything," Cole snaps back. "But how?" Jay points to something.

We all turn...

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