Chapter 12

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Sophie P.O.V
I grab a book sitting on the kitchen island. I start to read while eating my chocolate bar. I get to half the book when a feel 2 presences. Miranda! And Misako! I rush outside to see them right near the bounty. I run over and hug Miranda. "Where've you been?" I ask, looking up at her like when I was younger. "To be honest...I don't know," Miranda answers. I look over her shoulder and see Misako. "How come you never told me that Misako is your sister?" I question. Miranda pats my head. "You'll have more to worry about then who's my sibling and who's not," Miranda answers. What...are you talking about? Knowing better, I stay silent and head back to the bounty. Sensei Wu seems surprised. "We need to talk," Misako tells him. Nodding, them 3 left, leaving me alone on the bridge.

Misako clicks a few buttons here and there and it calls someone. I can't see their face, but I can hear the ninja's voices in the background. "You guys are back!? Oh thank goodness! What happened?" Lloyd questions. "We can tell you that later, for now get yourselves over here," Sensei Wu says. "How did you get out? I thought-"

"Like your Sensei said, get back to the bounty," Miranda interrupts him. I heard some grumbling and then a click! The call ends. "Here. You'll need this phone," Misako hands me a phone. I take it, and thank her, then try and figure out how the phone works. It's quite simply really, it's called something but it doesn't matter to me. "Hey hey hey. I never agreed to this," Miranda protests. "Loosen up Miranda, Sophie will need one anyway," Misako smiles. Miranda sighs, then rolls her eyes. "Fine," Miranda mumbles. Sensei Wu and Misako both let out a little laugh. "So I can call the people that I have a number for?" I ask. They all nod, although I'm surprised Miranda shook her head. Maybe she had experience with it before? Eh, not a big deal.

I finish reading the book, just when the ninja show up. Apparently Skylor went back to her shop, or at least, according to Kai. Bummer really, she was fun and the only person I felt comfortable with, besides Miranda. I feel like she's always looking over my shoulder. I know I didn't do anything wrong...did I? I walk by a room and see Lloyd, sitting there with a thoughtful/very serious look on his face.

"What are you thinking about?" I question my cousin. He was sitting on the windowsill, his head looking out the window. He shrugs. I attempt to get onto the windowsill but my bangs kept on blocking my vision. With a huff I got myself up on it. I don't look out the window, if I do I'll want to go outside and Auntie doesn't want me going out. She said that it's dangerous out there. I don't know, how do you know something is dangerous if you've never experienced it? "So what's bothering you?" I ask. Trying to get his attention. "You only get to come here once a year! Don't spend it being a sad!" I add. "You wouldn't understand," he grumbles. I look down. "I know I won't understand anything you try to tell me, but that doesn't mean I won't listen and try to help however I can," my voice trails off. "You're too nice. People take advantage of people like you," he says. "Oh c'mon. Who would do that? That's only in the books," I had replied. I look at him again, he looked down. Then I get an idea. "I know what will cheer you up for sure!" I exclaim, I get down and run to kitchen. Then I run back and put the jar on the windowsill. "I know candy will cheer you up for sure!" I smile. He takes a piece and eats it. Then smiled. "Thanks. That helped."

Next thing I know, I find myself trying to cheer him up. "I'm not supposed to tell you anything," Lloyd states. "So? It doesn't matter to me if you don't tell me what you were thinking about. I just saw you looking sad so I just wanted to cheer you up," I smile. I wonder if candy will cheer him up? "I'm not sad," his voice trails off. "You sure about that?" I question. He looks down and sighs. "Wait. I think I know something that might cheer you up," I say. I rush out and grab the half of the chocolate bar I didn't eat. I did NOT bite it, I took the pieces off it. I come back with the chocolate. "Here, I'm sure it'll be helpful. I didn't bite it," I add quickly and give him the half. His eyes literally lit up! "Oh this is really good!" Lloyd exclaims, in between chewing. "That's gross, close your mouth when you chew," I remind him, or at least I think I'm reminding him of a manners rule. "Since when did you become the manners police like Uncle, and Zane and sometimes Nya?" Lloyd questions. Now he's chewing loudly on purpose and with his mouth open. "Eww! Chunks of chocolate are flying out of your mouth!" I cry. Lloyd laughs, and so do I. "Looks like it worked. Thanks."

"When are you gonna tell her?" Misako questions. I hear their voices from a room. "I can't tell her! She may think it's not real! Or she'll think oh never mind! What do you 2 know anyway?" Miranda sighs. Do not eavesdrop, do not eavesdrop! Walk away, just walk away. I walk into Nya's room. She built a bunk bed, which looks AMAZING! "You went all out," I notice. "It's not everyday I get to make a bunk bed!" Nya replies with happiness. Well she's in a good mood. "Do you think you can help me with my phone? I'm still not sure how some things work," I ask. Nya smiles, "Yeah! Let's get started!"

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