Chapter 27

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Cole P.O.V
Where the heck am I?

It looks like Ninjago City...just pieces. What happened here?

I spot a woman with a child and walk over to her. "Excuse me bu-"

"Please don't hurt my child!" The woman cries, then runs off.

"Wait! I wouldn't-oh forget it," I sigh and start to walk through the broken buildings. Why was she so scared of me? This place is weird. What was that potion that landed on me? I end up in a sort of alleyway, and hear screams. I rush over to where they're coming from to find-


"Are you okay? What happened?" I ask looking at her, clothing torn and blood marks on multiple places. "P-please don't! H-haven't you h-had enough f-fun?" Sophie answers, the fear in her voice is heavy. "What are you talking about?" I question, feeling confused. "Y-you're just t-trying to m-make me l-look s-stupid! And g-gain my t-trust so th-that you can h-hurt Sensei!" Sophie cries and scoots away from me. "I would never hurt Sensei! You know that!" I reply. You look like Sophie, you sound like Sophie...

"I don't! P-please leave m-me alone," Sophie gets up and leans on the wall. Then starts to walk back, using the wall for support. "Wait! I don't know what's going on!" I say. "You d-do know. Lord Garmadon i-is in c-charge," Sophie trembles at Garmadon's name. "But he's dead!" I walk over to her. "Dead? H-he's alive a-and ruling th-the world," Sophie tries to walk faster. But I thought we stopped him...unless. This isn't the Ninjago I know. Oh man that was what the potion did to me! It sent me to some crazy dimension! "Well I'm not from here...and I don't know what's going on, but clearly you need help to walk," I note. Those injuries are crazy deep and just bleeding. "Th-that makes sense...I'm g-good," Sophie replies.

I tried to help her but she wouldn't let me. Now we're at this tent looking thing and Sophie goes inside. I follow. "Oh dear Sophie! They got to you again didn't they?" I hear Sensei. I see him, his eyes reflecting worry. He sees me and they instantly harden. "Sophie! How could you lead one of them here!" Sensei says and grabs his staff. "I'm not one of anything in this place! I'm not from here actually...I just ended up here," I put my hands up in surrender. "I d-don't think he's l-lying," Sophie says, while treating her wounds. "You knew?! Sophie!" Sensei scolds. I use my powers to chase away a snake that just happened to be in the tent. "You used...the Elemental powers of Earth," Sensei's eyes widen. "You really aren't from here...another dimension right?" Sensei guesses.

"Wait. So we never become the ninja team and Garmadon takes over and the Overlord and we are like their generals? And all the other bad guys we had defeated are now working for Garmadon and the Overlord?" I ask, trying to wrap my head around the situation. " guys go around hurting people," Sophie answers. "I never thought any version of me and my friends would be like this...hurting people? We protect them. Killing people? We save them..." my voice trails off. This is messed up...

"Argh, we're out of milk," Sensei mumbles. "I can go get us some," Sophie gets up, still wobbly. I grab her shoulders and make her sit down again. "You can't go anywhere with those injuries," I say. "I agree with this Cole. But we are running out of milk," Sensei agrees. "Well then I'm going. I won't let you go out where they can kill you Sensei!" Sophie protests. "Sophie you're injuries need to heal," Sensei adds. "If I don't go you will and I don't want you to be killed by them like everyone in our family!" Sophie cries. Who they?

"Please watch her," Sensei says, snapping me out of my thoughts. "I will," I say and leave the tent to follow Sophie. She's still using the wall for support. "Why don't you go back? I can get the milk myself," I offer. "You don't know where to look or where to find it," Sophie declines.

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