Megan legs felt wobbly underneath her, and her breathing quickened as walked over to the sink and looked up at her pale face. She knew the words she had heard, but she had a hard time processing them. She remembered the night Luca went to a party without her. Stacy and Megan had decided to stay in and watch a Disney movie. She remembered getting texts from Luca that night, each one making less sense than the one before and she knew that he was drunk but she had smiled at herself then, feeling glad that he was still texting her. Those texts stopped a little after one in the morning and she figure he must have gone to bed, what she didn't figure that it would be someone else.

Was that what she had felt these past few days? Was it Luca's guilt that kept distancing him for her a little by little? Even as she thought about it, she shook her head. She loved Luca. Did she really have so little faith in herself that she believed she could love someone who would cheat on her? She shook her head and looked up in the mirror again. She trusted in her love for him to know that he wasn't the kind of man to cower from the truth. If he had cheated on her, she knew he would have owned up to it, and she knew without a doubt that he wouldn't have made love to her the way he did. Luca might not love her, but he cared about her, and Megan knew he cared enough to never hurt her on purpose. Megan bit the inside of her cheek, Jessica had already tried to get between her and Luca once, and that was before they were even dating, so should she really be surprised that the blond girl would try getting between them now that they were actually together? She didn't understand why Jessica was so determined to ruin her relationship; the only thing she could think of was that the pretty blond was actually in love with Luca herself. That thought made her frown. She knew what it was like to be in love with Luca, and not actually be with him, so she couldn't help but feel bad for Jessica.

Feeling confident in her trust for Luca, she turned and walked out of the bathroom to join Ryan for the rest of dinner.

"Are you okay?" Ryan asked her when she returned to her seat, and she smiled widely at him.

"I'm fine." She told him.

Ryan raised his brow at her. "But it seemed like what Jessica wanted to talk to you about was important."

Megan shrugged her shoulder. "It was, but it wasn't anything that concerns me." She told him assuredly and smiled at the waiter as he placed their meals in front of them.

Ryan observed her for a minute before nodding. "So how 'bout that midterm next week?" He questioned with his thick southern drawl causing Megan to choke on the water she was drinking.

"You did that on purpose." Megan accused him between coughs, and laughs.

Ryan held up his hands defensively. "All I did was talk." He told her in the same thick accent and Megan continued to laugh.

"You know when you purposefully force that southern accent of yours; you sound more like an old gangster than a cowboy?" Megan asked him, still between laughs.

"Really?" Ryan asked her, returning his voice back to normal. "A gangster?"

Megan bobbed her head up and down. "Yes, like in those old movies western movies." She told him and watched as his mouth dropped slightly.

"So I sound like a southern gangster?" He asked her with a smirk.

Megan shrugged her shoulder at him. "I guess." She told him and then smiled. "How is your food?" She asked. Their conversation turned from their food to movies and then to their favorite country artists as they finished off their dessert.

Ryan drove Megan back to her apartment and put the car in park before he turned towards her. "Do you think I could borrow your Biology notes?" He asked her and Megan immediately nodded. She knew he had been visiting the girl he loved for the past week, so he missed a few classes.

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