Chapter 16: So Maybe My Dad Does Work at Aperature Science

Start from the beginning

"Oh thank God," I breathed, pulling the six into a hug.

"Is that..?" Joey trailed off.

"Woah IRON MAN!" Kaitlyn screamed, sneaking under my arm and pulling Joey with her.

"Well that's ironic," Ava laughed, pulling out of the hug. "You with the man you hate the most."

"Well...." I trailed off, remembering my conversation with Tony earlier and how not-awful he was.

"OMEHGOSH IRONMAN WILL YOU BE MY BOYFRIEND?!" KK screamed, jumping up and down.

"Uh-" Tony looked to me for help.

"NO NO NO HE AND MS. POTTS ARE TOO CUTE, REMEMBER? THAT'S WHAT AVS SAID!" Joey pointed out to the other child, crossing his arms against his chest.

"BUT WE CAN SHARRRE!" The little girl whined.

"Guys, leave him alone," Devon sighed, trying to scoop his sister as she squirmed away.

"All clear," I said into my earpiece.

Tony gave me another look - probably was to let me know I was acting too old again.

"-Thor, I am certain-" "-petty human-" Sif's voice cut in and out in my ear.

"Sif, you want to hold down the button closest to the bottom of you ear," I told her, trying not to sound mocking.

"Thank you for your assistance, Lyla Son of David, but I think I can handle myself from hear on," Sif thanked me, more or less. Her pride had taken a hit.

"We're on our way in," Nat assured me.

An hour later, my friends lined one side of one of the library's tables, and Earth's (and Asgard's) mightiest heroes lined the other. I sat at the head, not sure which group I was even apart of. We had exchanged stories, Ava telling of how Loki had been in Matt's house and how they had escaped, Steve telling of what had happened at SHIELD, and Sif telling of how she had come in.

"You simply angered Loki into allowing you freedom?" Thor asked, slightly surprised.

Ava shrugged. "He's got a bad temper, for a guy known for practical jokes."

Thor seemed a bit confused, but it quickly left him. "He never had such a temper as a child, but I suppose he also never did anything to this scale as a child."

I carefully studied Devon. I knew he felt out of place- he hated being with people he didn't really know, and especially such loud ones. Loud noises and Devon generally don't mix well. In fact, I'm still paying for going in the big window do loudly.

"How'd you loose him?" I asked.

"It wasn't too hard. We took the short cut," Matt explained.

"Short cut?" Clint questioned suspiciously.

"We drove straight through Walmart. Like actually inside the store." Matt clarified. After receiving looks of 'what the actually crap' from every Avenger excluding me, he continued with, "My cousin works there. Literally the only reason we're not banned."

"We had to ditch the motorcycle so they couldn't find us as easily. We even took the path through Breakheart to get here," Ava added.

Breakheart was a big reservation where we usually hung out. With a trail through it that connected Devon's house, my old house, and Bloomingdale to Ava's house and Matt's house, it provided a huge forest and a riverside beach for us to hang out.

"Have you called anyone?" Natasha questioned gently, clearly trying not to scare the crap out of my friends.

Ava shook her head. "We weren't sure that our phones weren't tapped. If he could easily get into Matt's house, what else could he get into, you know?"

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