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Kendall's POV

"H-Hi I-I...M-My name is y-y/n," she stumbling over her words, "I'm sorry u-um my name is y/n and I'm the new intern and I'm supposed to ask if you need anything," she said rubbing the back of her neck. I just looked at her for a second, she looked young, but she was really hot.

"H-Hi my name is Kendall Jenner," I said, why am I stumbling over my words?!?

"Yeah, I knew that, I mean you're one of the most gorgeous models ever," she laughed and said with wide eyes with her face getting red and then looked down and rubbed the back of her neck again, she must do that when she's nervous.

"Aww thanks," I said, "Um, I could use a bottle of water, I think they're just in the fridge around the corner." She looked up and smiled and went to go get my water. I don't even know what that was I feel so stupid that I stumbled over my words like that. But if I'm gonna be completely honest with myself this kid is hot, and she seems really sweet too, she did call me gorgeous. Not to mention her laugh is probably about the best noise I've ever heard in my life.


I rounded the corner to get Kendall's water and all I could think about was how embarrassed I was that I stumbled over my words like that, she's my celebrity crush and now I've embarrassed myself. However, she did stumble over her words too, I wonder what that was all about. I walked to the fridge that was on set and looked inside to find a bottle of water in the door of the fridge, I grabbed one and walked back to her.

"Here's your water Miss Jenner," I said handing her the bottle.

"Please, call me Kendall, Miss Jenner is too formal and sounds kinda bitchy," she said grabbing the bottle and letting out a little giggle which was officially my favorite sound ever.

"Okay, Kendall," I said chuckling slightly, "Would you like anything else?" I asked waiting for an answer, started to calm down a bit even though the situation was still somewhat surreal.

"Actually, y/n, if its not too much to ask, would you keep me company while I wait to get my makeup done for the shoot," she asked, "I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to."

"It's not a problem, Miss-I mean Kendall," I said following her to her dressing room.

"So, tell me about you, y/n," she said sitting down.

"Well, what do you want to know?" I said.

"Hmm lets see, how old are you?" she asked with that cute smile again.

"I'm sixteen, just turned sixteen on November 26th," I said with a smile.

"Oh really, you're really young, so what brought you here, I mean to be an intern on the set?" she asked scrunching her eyebrows together curiously.

"Well,  my mom works here, she's a hair stylist, and she talked to a few people and since there was an opening for the intern position they said I could come and work here," I said giving her a smile.

"Oh cool, so is your mom y/m/n?" she asked, she knew my mom? How could my mom not tell me she knew Kendall Jenner, she's definitely going to hear about this when we get home.

"Uh, yeah, how'd you know that"

"Well your mom has done my hair before and she's such a nice lady I just love y/m/n," she said with the smile that melted my insides.

"Oh I had no idea she knew you, and I'm kinda hurt she didn't tell me," I said putting my hand on my chest pretending to be hurt earning a laugh from Kendall. She grabbed a Polaroid camera that was on top of her dresser and snapped a pic of me.

The Girl in the Picture* Y/N and Kendall JennerWhere stories live. Discover now