Chapter 20

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When I hear something in the hallway, I peek out to see who it is. Jasmine is struggling to get her luggage down the stairs and I can't help but laugh. She smiles when I take one of the suitcases and a bag. "Thanks. I finally got my fucking luggage and now I have to go through the process all over again."

"No problem. Why are you leaving?" I ask.

"Work. I need to be in L.A. by the tomorrow night. Around this time next week I'll be in Vegas for a while," she says. "But don't worry - I'll be back before you know it and you'll be wishing I was gone still."

I chuckle. "I doubt it. You're a fun person and I look forward to hanging out with you again."

Her eyes grow wide and she grins. "I completely forgot about the lingerie. Let's go now!"

She hurries down the stairs and I try to keep up with her. "Are you sure there's time?"

"Yeah. I just wanted to get everything in the car. I don't have to be to the airport for another three and a half hours."

"Okay," I say, excitement bubbling in the pit of my stomach.

I want her opinion on what I get because she's my only friend at this point and I want to look good for Jackson. Jasmine isn't the type of person to lie about something as simple as looks so I trust she won't let me look like a fool. Especially since she likes me and Jackson together.

When we get to the store, I begin looking around. I want something I'm comfortable in but also looks sexy. Although I'm not planning on wearing it for him anytime soon, I can't help but think about the moment I do - the moment when I give myself to him. It'll be a little surprise that'll make him happy and that's just what I want to do.

I've considered waiting for marriage but I'm not sure anymore. Whenever he touches me, my body responds on its own. I have no control over myself and I'm not sure I'd make him stop if things ever get that far. Of course, I won't let the thought go but I know it will be hard to stay away from him and I'm not sure if he'd ever be okay with an arrangement like that...

Jasmine and I spot a mannequin wearing a white gartered corset with matching panties and stockings. The top of the stockings have a band of lace and I immediately fall in love with the set. "It's perfect," she says. "The white is for the innocence he'll be taking."

I elbow her side for ruining my moment and she laughs. We go into the back where I try on the corset. It fits perfectly and when I check the tag I am happy to find it has been marked down. Jasmine gets a few things for herself before we leave the store and head back home. Jackson's office door is open so she goes in to say her goodbyes. He closes his laptop and stands. "Are you leaving?"

"Yeah. I just wanted to thank you for everything. I'll be back before you know it," she winks.

He smiles and they hug before she turns to hug me. "Have a safe flight," I say. "I look forward to seeing you again."


Jackson returns to his seat behind his desk and I wait for Jasmine to leave before sauntering around his desk to him. When I notice a medium sized duffel bag beside his desk, I frown. "You're leaving?" I ask.

He grabs my hand and pulls me down onto his lap. "In the morning."

"For how long?" I ask.

"A week," he replies. "I have some business to handle in Detroit."

"You and Jasmine are both leaving me. What will I ever do without you?" I ask, somewhat playfully.

His thumb gently brushes against my cheek and he presses a soft kiss to my lips. "Come with me."

I shake my head. "I can't."

"Sure you can. I'm your boss," he teases. "Pretend it's a mandatory work event."

I chuckle. "Not anymore. I told you I'm going to find a new job. Plus, I'm pretty sure there are some laws against an employee and employer relationship."

He smiles. "I think you're right about that. But I still want you to come."

"I should be here to help my parents. Maybe I'll find a job while you're gone."

"You don't need a job," he insists. "It'll only take away from our time together."

I nod a little. "That's true, but this honeymoon phase won't last forever and it'll be good for both of us to have some time apart. Either way, I'll be coming home to you at the end of the night."

"So you'll stay here?" he asks hopefully.

"Our agreement was that I'd stay here until I found a job then I'd get my own place," I remind him. "We'll still see each other a lot."

"Now I do have to take you to Michigan with me," he chuckles. "I'd much rather wake up to your beautiful face each morning."

I smile. "You'll still get to sometimes."


"Promise," I nod.

I kiss him once more standing up. He follows suit and grabs my hand. "Have you eaten?" he asks.

"No. We just did a little shopping," I say.

He leads the way to the kitchen where Marilyn is standing with a clipboard and pen. She smiles when she notices us. "Can I make you two something?"

"Something quick, please," he says. "I have an early flight tomorrow morning."

Marilyn frowns. "Why so early?"

"Because I should have left tonight but Jasmine is taking my plane tonight so it won't be back and fueled until morning," he explains.

He releases my hand and sits on one of the barstools at the island. I sit beside him, watching him. "Are salad's okay?" she asks. "I made some lemon pepper chicken earlier."

"That's fine," he answers.

Turning, he notices me staring but he only smiles. I lean towards him and peck his cheek. "I'm going to miss you," I admit quietly.

"I'll miss you too," he responds.

Lacing his fingers with mine, he kisses the back of my hand and continues to talk to Marilyn.

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