Chapter 40

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When I get home from work, I grab my mail from the table then go into my bedroom. Among the many letters, I find a bank statement. Usually, I don't pay too much attention to it because I am fully aware of how much money I have but something stands out. Possibly the fact that there are too many digits before the decimal. The statement shows that one hundred thousand dollars was deposited in my bank account three weeks ago from somewhere in Nevada.

I stare at the amount in confusion before slowly remembering the night that I went out with Jasmine and the girls. When we found the guys in the casino, the table dealer said Jackson had won the same exact amount. Coincidentally, the same amount is now in my bank account. For a moment I consider returning the money directly to him but I don't want to see him just yet. I don't want him to see that I am hurting. So instead, I decide to send him a text telling him he needed to take it back but minutes turn into hours of him not replying.


The next morning Sam convinces me to run with her. We both wear our headphones and workout clothes before heading out. The sun is still rising and there is a cool breeze that makes the perfect temperature. Neither of us says where we're going - we just run until we can't anymore. Eventually, we stop and sit on a bench at a park to catch our breath and cool down for a while. I pull my earbuds out and look at her. "That was relieving."

She smiles. "I know. It's the best stress reliever. When I was in high school, I was going through a rough time so I decided to try yoga and meditation," she pauses, making a face. "But that only seemed to make it worse. When it's quiet, it's like my brain does everything in its power to break the silence. It just wasn't my thing so I tried running. I go a few times a week and it really seems to help."

"Well, I'm glad you invited me. It helps me too," I say with a smile.

She nods. "So, do you want to talk about it? You haven't talked about him since the night of the charity event."

I frown. "I guess I could vent a little."

"Go ahead. I'll just sit here and listen."

Sighing, I look up at the sky through the trees. "All night, he introduced me as his girlfriend. But when his parents showed up, he told them I was his friend."


"Yeah," I frown. "He said that he didn't tell them I was his girlfriend because they wouldn't think I was good enough for him. So I told him that if he thought I was good enough, he wouldn't care what they think."

"True," she nods.

"When I left the bathroom, his ex - who I'm sure he still has feelings for - said that she had just talked to his parents and they told her that the four of them were going out for dinner," I explain. "I just don't know if it's worth fighting for. We can't agree on anything."

"What do you mean?" she asks.

"Well, we can start with the fact that he wants children and I don't. He always wants to spend a ton of money on me but I feel uncomfortable when he does. It feels like he's trying to buy me. I've told him this several times but he paid my parents rent, my mom's hospital bills, my student loans, and he deposited one hundred thousand dollars into my bank account," I mutter.

She stares at me with wide eyes. "Damn. Do you mind if I have him?"

She says it playfully and I find myself laughing. I am thankful for her being here to listen and lightening the mood. My phone vibrates in my pocket so I quickly pull it out and answer it. "Hello?"

"Hey. It's Jasmine," says a familiar voice. "I was hoping to see you at the charity event the other night but by the time I got there you were already gone. I thought maybe the three of us could grab some dinner tonight."

"Oh," I say softly. "Have you talked to Jackson?"

"Not really. He has been really busy with work lately. When he comes home, he goes straight to bed," she explains. "We haven't had a chance to really talk."

I bite my lip. "Jasmine... I broke up with Jackson the night of the charity event."

There's a long moment of silence before she whines. "No. This can't be real. You guys were perfect."

"It's real," I sigh. "We can still hang out but I don't really want to see Jackson."

"Alright. He's at work anyways. Can you meet me at the house in an hour?"

"Yeah. I'll see you soon."

When I hang up, I tell Sam about my plans and she says there's just enough time for me to run home and shower before going over. Using all the energy I can, I push myself to my limits to get me home as quickly as possible. After a quick shower, I slip into a dress then head over to Jackson's. When I know on the door, Marilyn opens it with a smile but it quickly fades when she realizes it is me. "Mr. Lancaster is not available at the moment. It'd be best if you called him."

"Actually, Jasmine invited me over. We're hanging out today," I say.

Jasmine appears behind her and smiles at me. "Come in. I just have to fix my hair real quick."

Marilyn moves and I follow Jasmine upstairs, a little nervous about being in this house again. I notice Jackson's door is cracked open and my eyes widen when I'm shoved forward. I stumble forward through the door before I hear the door slam shut behind me. My eyes meet an equally confused pair, pushing me to rush out of the room but Jasmine is holding the handle so I can't get out.


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