7. My mom must be a wizard

Start from the beginning

"No it won't! Come on, it'll be fun!"

I glared at my mom, irritated.

"This is no longer up for debate," she met my glare evenly. Standing up, she reached for her jacket.

Chills went down my spine at her stern gaze. I promptly bookmarked the page, grabbed the napping Fuko, much to her displeasure, and silently grabbed my spare jacket following my mom out the door of the apartment.

"Where are we going?" Fuko hissed in my ear.

"Movies apparently," I whispered back.

My mother beckoned me, "Well come on Félix! There's a movie theater down the street. I checked their website and they have quite a few movies you'd like to see! Including the latest spy movie!"

"They're going to be sold out," I repeated.

"I just checked, all movies are open and available for seating!" She grabbed my arm and began dragging me down the street.

"I'm excited Félix!!" Fuko was apparently over her crabbiness at suddenly being awakened, "I can finally watch my first movie!!"

I wanted to tell Fuko that she probably shouldn't get her hopes up considering our track record, but there was no way to communicate with the tiny cat without my mom noticing.

Over the years, my mom had gone from realist to optimist, to combat my increasing pessimism and cynicism. I used to hate people like me, they were just full of self pity and felt like the entire world was against them. But I think I was entitled to my pessimism after being stuck with a ring that gave me nothing but bad luck, misfortune, chaos, and constantly made things go wrong in my day.

Not to mention the wonder, awesome, amazing countdown of doom accessory the ring had. Hey! If you don't get rid of me by the thirteenth year, you'll literally die from bad luck energy! Good luck! Oh wait- YOU DON'T HAVE ANY SUCKKKERRRR!

Honestly, it was a wonder I was even polite to some extent. I surprised myself sometimes.

We reached the movie theater, except that we couldn't get in because the lines were all the way outside on the steps.

"Still think they won't be sold out?" I asked my mom.

"What are the chances that they're all going for the movies we want to see?" she laughed nervously.

"Easily calculable," I commented, "want me to?"

"No," she said almost on top of me. "Let's just wait in line."

"I'm not going to get to watch a movie am I?" Fuko grumbled.

"Mmmm..." I consented.

"So," my mom decided to pull small talk with me while we waited in line, "Are you excited to go back to work?"

"Oh absolutely, nothing like filing book after book after book after book! It's absolutely thrilling! Almost as breathtaking, exhilarant and electrifying as folding laundry! I cannot wait to-,"

"Okay I get it," she cut me off.

"How could you?!" I looked at her utterly betrayed, "I was inspired!"

"Sarcasm gets old, and it doesn't suit you anyways," she rolled her eyes at me. "Hmmm, how about any girls? You interested in anyone? Or..." she gave me a nudge, "a different gender?"

I stared at her completely deadpan, "I work at a school, everyone is either far too young, or far too old."

"Yeah but you spend plenty of times at cafés," she elbowed me playfully.

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