"Too many women?" I questioned.

"His father has had multiple marriages throughout his lifetime and each woman pretended to love Will and used him just to get on his Father's good side to get a bunch of cash."

"Gold diggers?" I choked. I couldn't even fathom what Will went through. Now, I can kind of understand why he was always such a jerk sometimes.

"Imagine meeting many women who say they supposedly love you and have them continuously walk in and out of your life." Karen's face grew sad and I could almost feel the pain Will felt. I didn't know this about him and I couldn't believe that he actually had to go through that. I was surrounded by love from my mother, but Will had no mom.

"I-I didn't know." I stuttered.

"Don't be too hard on yourself for not knowing. Will doesn't tell anyone." Mr. Prescott patted my back and smiled, "But I could see him already opening up when he's around you. I'm really glad that you are here and that you love him enough to be his girlfriend. Just please look after him and be patient because one day, he will truly open up to you."

But I truly wasn't Will's real girlfriend. I shook my head up and down and gulped hard. I started feeling bad that I was lying in front of Will's uncle because he seemed to really care about Will.

His laugh replaced the moment of silence. "Even though, it's only been a few hours. I already know he's head over heels over you. I mean you are his new girlfriend," He squeezed my shoulders, "I could see it in his eyes whenever he looks at you."

I looked intently at him, not taking in what he just said. Will's head over heels over me? He must be joking.

"Why don't you walk somewhere with Will?" Karen suggested, "We'll meet up with you guys once this necklace is done." She smiled at me as I nodded my head.

I walked outside of the store to find Will sitting on a bench. He was checking something on his phone when his eyes looked up and locked with mines.

"Well, your Uncle and Karen want us to walk around while they wait for the necklace." I walked over to him as he put his phone back into his pocket, "I-I just didn't want you to be bored waiting so I agreed to walk around with you." I added as he scoffed like he didn't believe me.

"If you wanted alone time with me, you could've just asked." He winked as he started walking away.

"W-what!" I huffed, catching up to him, "Well, fine! I'll just walk by myself."

I started walking away when he grabbed my hand and I could feel my heart skip a beat from his touch. "Oh come on, Richelieu, stop being a baby."

He pulled my hand as he led me to the buildings across from the jewelry store. "I-I'm not a baby." I argued back, trying to ignore the fact that I WAS HOLDING WILL'S HAND.

We walked for a bit in silent and I was expecting him to let go of my hand, but he never did. I looked up at him, trying to figure out what he was trying to do.

"What?" He noticed me staring at him. I quickly looked away from his gaze. Oh my goodness, Shannon, you have got to stop staring at him.

"N-Nothing." I cried.

"Am I really that attractive?" He teased.

I rolled my eyes at him. "You think you're so cute."

"Well, aren't I?"

"Not even close." I snickered.

He was about to say something, but then he stopped and looked away. As I was about to let go of his hand, his hand tightened around mine. I looked up at him, still feeling pity from what his uncle told me about him. He didn't trust that much women, but for some reason, I wanted him to trust me.

The Heir's Pretend GirlfriendWhere stories live. Discover now