I used my free arm and tail to drag myself away from the ocean. Every effort I did made some small silhouettes on the soft sand. I grunted once we entered to the grass. I know humans found the grass so soft and stuff. For me it felt like rubbing my tail with a rough rock. I winced a bit and continued dragging me further and further from the shore. Each pull, I started to feel more and more tired, my lungs started to ache for water. The baby just feel fine, he even tried to wiggle away from my grasp. "No, wait, you can go and play later. I first need to find you someone to take care of you!" I said, with my voice getting raspy, I tightened my grip, but not too much to hurt him.

I started to huff and pant a lot, so I used all my strenght to continue throught the trees quicker. I winced again, and glanced at my tail. Some scrapes had already ruined some of my scales and brought some blood. - Oh crap, I hope sharks doesn't follow the scent when I return to the ocean - I thought and continued dragging myself forward.

I was near the mountain's base, and there were some stairs going to the top. "Guess we'll have to use them" I muttered and pulled myself near them. Once I was near them, I pushed myself up and sat on one of them. And I pushed myself back up another step and so on.

My skin started to dry badly, and I started wheezing. The small kid stared at me with eyes full of concern. "Don't... worry... we are near... okay?" I said between wheezes, and gave him a small silly face. He calmed a bit, and held tightly to my arm and shoulder.

"Just... A... few... more... steps... " I wheezed again, this time was now pretty bad. A stinging sensation attacked my lungs, making it even harder to breathe. My arms were moving sloppy and getting weaker at each step. On the next step I took, my arm gave up and I hit my head on the corner of the step. "Ouch" I whined and massaged my forehead. I glanced to the top and saw the altar resting on top, just a couple of steps up.

I continued to push my body to the top, as back dots clouded my vision. - No! Come on (Y/N)! You can do it! - I cheered myself. I reached the last step and pulled myself quickly making me collapse a few feet away from the altar. I released the baby and signaled him to go to the altar. He didn't understand. I sighed "Go... there..." I said weakly while pointing to the front. He looked at it and then back at me. "Go... There..." I repeated louder. He finally understood and crawled to it. I smiled as my vision started turning black. Once he touched the altar a blinding light shone from it and I passed out.

Baby's P. O. V.

- What? Whe-- I thought as I looked at my new self. "Heh... Hehe... I grew up!" I exclaimed. A small light caught my attention, I glanced at it. It was coming from the altar, as it faded, a huge hook was resting on it. I made my way cautiously towards it and I grabbed it. A light shone on the altar just after I picked up the hook, and a voice came from everywhere yet nowhere.

"From now on you'll be refered as Maui, demigod of the air and the ocean. Please bring the unconscious mermaid here" They said. - The mermaid? - I asked on my head. I turned around and saw a half fish lady laying on the edge of the stairs. Some blood was pooling around her. Worried I rushed to her side and lifted her carefully. "Leave her on the altar" They said again. I complied quickly, and leaved her carefully on top of the lapislazuli tile of the altar. "Thank you"

"You're welcome " I replied and crouched next to the altar. The tile started glowing, engulfing the mermaid with it.

The light stated to fade away, and now the mermaid was a human. I widened my eyes, as she slowly gained back consciousness . The blood disappeared, and her wounds too.

She stirred and opened her (E/C) groggingly. She sat up slowly and held her head with both hands. "(Y/N)" They called her - (Y/N)? Okay now I got her name - She widened her eyes in fear and looked to her legs. She screamed surprised and stated panicking. "(Y/N), Don't worry. You're still half mermaid, as a reward for your effort to save this human. Now you can walk on land as swim on the ocean" Once they finished talking she attempted to stand up, and she was kind of doing it. Her legs were trembling, and she struggled to keep standing.

"You okay there?"I asked. She turned her head around and saw me. Her eyes widened and she started to look around frankly. "Hey, don't worry. I just wanted to thank you"

"For what?" She asked shoked.

"Well... for saving me" I answered.

She tilted her head in confusion and then she finally understood "Little buddy?" She asked unsure.

I chuckled and nodded. "The gods had given me a name now." I said.

"Oh really? May I have knowledge of it?" she asked, so formally I would say.

"I'm Maui"

Mermaid's hook (Maui X Reader Vs. Moana) Where stories live. Discover now