Baby Shower!

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Sean POV
I see my beautiful fiancée lying beside me. She has her head and hand on my chest, I run my hands through her (h/l) (h/c) and kiss the top of her head, oh how I love her so much. Without her I would be so lonely and sad. She has made my life the best it can be. Her (body shape) shaped body perfectly fits her, her (skin colour) matches her better than anyone else. She is the definition of beauty. I bring my hand down slowly, going with the curve of her body until I meet her hip. She has the pregnancy glow in her (skin colour) skin. She looks gorgeous, which many people during pregnancy can't pull off. She doesn't believe me every time I say she looks absolutely gorgeous. I slide my hand away from her and kiss her forehead.
"Babe?" She says all groggy
"Yes?" I say softly
"Where are you going?"
"I have an errand to run,I'll be back in an hour."
"Okay, love you"
"I love you too." I lean down and kiss her soft (colour) lips. I walk over to the closet to see that Y/N fell back asleep. I put on a blue sweater and a pair of black jeans. I walk out and put my boots on and get into the car.

Anna POV
"Where is he?" I say to (your best friends name). Y/BF/N has been Y/N's best friend since the forth grade when they both shared a peanut-butter banana sandwich. I see Sean pull up in his car and get out.
"Javla! Why did it take so long to get here?"
"Traffic was super heavy." He says as we walk in to the cake shop to retrieve the gender revealing cakes. We grabbed both boxes and put them in to Sean's car.
"Off to get balloons now." Y/BF/N says as we all get into the car.

I get out of bed after an hour and go down stairs. I grab a cup of (favourite tea) and put (what ever you put in) into the hot liquid. I walk in to the living room excepting Sean to be in the living room. I frown and sit down on the couch and turn on the TV to the news and call Sean.

Sean POV
Oh, shit, Y/N is calling, I turned down the music and shushed everyone. I connected the phone to speaker.
Y/N: Hello
Sean: Hi Honey
Y/N: Where are you? You've been gone for an hour and a half!
Sean: Sorry, tragic is really heavy right now
Y/N: Okay, we'll be home soon, love you
Sean: Love you too.
I hang up and park. We go out and get balloons and blue and pink confetti for the baby shower. We get back in and drive to the venue for the shower. We get there and I park and text Y/N
S: I am going to pick you up 3:00 to go to the movies and dinner, wear something nice
Y: K, love you
S: Love you, too 😘
"Stay here and I will pick up Y/N, make sure everyone is here."
"Okay." Anna says and goes into the small room. I get in to my car and drive back home to Y/N

I get a nice black maternity dress and a jean jacket, I put minimal makeup on and put my flats on. It's 2:55 and I see Sean's car outside. I leave the house and get into the black car. We start driving to the movie theatre.
----------------Time skip------------------------
"Will you be the beast to my beauty?" Sean giggles at my comment after the movie we saw.
"I'm pretty sure it's the other way."
"Uh. Jerk"
"Just kidding." He says putting a soft kiss on my lips. We drive to a place I'm not used to.
"Why are we here?" I say. He kisses me and opens his door and then mine.
"You'll see." We walk hand on hand and get confetti thrown at us as everyone yells,
"It's your baby shower."
"Aww, thanks guys." I smile at everyone. I give everyone a hug. Y/BF/N, Alison, Anna, Mariza, Mark, Bob and... I see Felix standing there staring at me the same as I am to him. He opens his arms and I crash into his body and wrap my arms around him.
"I'm sorry."
"Me too."
"Y/N, don't be it was my fault." I pull away from him and stand in front of everyone.
"Thank you so much for coming, but this is not a baby shower, Sean." I motion for him to come to me, he looks disappointed that he didn't satisfy me.
"These are baby showers. We're having twins!" I say and everyone starts clapping and cheering.
"So our first activity is guessing what the names are going to be, and what the genders are going to be, weight and birth date." Anna gave everyone pens and they wrote what they thought on the list.
Names: Chloe and Autumn
Genders: G&G
Weight: 7.8 and 7.3
Birthdate: August 3rd
Guesser: Mariza

Names: Luna and Jake
Genders: G&B
Weight: 6.7 and 7.6
Birthdate: July 26th
Guesser: Felix

Names: Robin and Miles
Genders: B&B
Weight: 5.6 and 7.9
Birthdate: June 30th
Guesser: Anna

Names: Josh and Winter
Genders: B&G
Weight: 6.0 and 8.9
Birthdate: June 1st
Guesser: Mark

Names: Samantha and Tom
Genders: G&B
Weight: 7.6 and 8.0
Birthdate: May 18th
Guesser: Y/BF/N

Names: Sam and Brook
Genders: G&G
Weight: 9.8 and 6.7
Birthdate: May 30th
Guesser: Bob

Names: Josephine and Zach
Gender: G&B
Weight: 6.7 and 5.7
Birthdate: June 30th
Guesser: Alison

"Okay great! The winner will get a gift basket, but right now we will be cutting the cakes to see the genders of our beloved babies!" Sean says, he gives me the knife I cut the first on and put it on a plate to show everyone.
"Shes a girl!" I say, I hear cheers and claps.
"Next one!" Sean's says excitedly. I cut into the second one and lift the piece.
"She is also a girl!" I say and everyone cheers.
"At the moment the closet ones to winning are Mariza and Bob!" I say and everyone claps. We do a few more activities and everyone starts to go home. Sean and I grab our stuff and pack up to go home.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and are excited for you two little girls to be born soon. When, who, where? Read more to find out, also thank you so much for 55,500 reads! Love you guys
What is your favourite band or singer?

When siblings get in the way (Jacksepticeyexreader) AU Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt