Is It The Ending? Or Just The Beginning?

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Cue song when I say!
I wake up to see Sean still asleep and I don't hear the babies waking up anytime soon. I go into the shower and I wash up and dry of quickly. I do my makeup, I put fondation, powder, highlight, contour, a nude brown eye shadow, mascara, eyeliner and a red lipstick. I put my dress on.

I smile and twirl in the mirror

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I smile and twirl in the mirror. I walk out of the bathroom to see him dressed and ready for brunch. I go into the twins room and and put them in their little pink and yellow sundresses.
We live to the restaurant that we are meeting Mark, Anna, Mariza and Felix. We get their to see them already seated at our table. They have two high chairs seat up and we put Luna and Sky in them.
"Hi! Oh, I missed you guys so much." I say hugging everyone. Sean does the same and we sit down.
"Everyone, this is Luna and this is Sky." They all day hi and smile. Luna gurgles all happily and Sky looks confused.
"Y/N, you look stunning as always." Mark says as Felix kicks him under the table.
"Thank you, Mark." I say smiling at him. We order drinks and food.
"So what's new?" I say and Anna looks like she'll explode if she doesn't say something.
"Mark and I got engaged last week." She says showing me her large diamond ring. Mariza look at it to. She takes it off to show her and Marks initials carved in a little heart, like kids do on trees.
"That's adorable." Mariza and I say at the same time.
"What's new with you two?" I say pointing at Mariza and Felix.
"Mariza and I are pregnant!" Felix says smiling like a little kid on Christmas.
"How long have you known?" I say smiling at her and Felix.
"Three weeks." She says smiling.
"Wow that's awesome!" I say smiling.
"How was the birth of our nieces?" Anna asks as gentle as possible.
"Not so good." I say and Sean rubs my back.
"Oh, you don't have to share." Anna says trying to take back what she said.
"No, it's fine, Luna and Sky were actually supposed to born yesterday, but complications arose with Sky's health so they performed as C-section, funny enough, three weeks ago. She had her lungs transplanted and now has breathing tubes."
"I'm sorry, Y/N, that must have been hard on you guys, at least you guys are all happy now." Mark says and I smile at him. Anna wipes a tear from her eye as our food comes. We eat and talk about Anna and Mark's wedding and Felix and Mariza's baby. We finish eating and pay for the bill. We say our good byes and return home.
Cue song!
I look over at Luna and Sky. Wow. How far have we come. Through all the bumps and hills in the road we made it. With all the sad and happy moments. The hot bile and amazing moments. The moments when our siblings got in the way. When we just wanted to cry and curl up in a small ball and cry for ours on end.

Luna and Sky will learn, talk, walk, Get I trouble, be rewarded, graduate, fall in love, grow old and learn to love life, and we will be there every step of the way and we will never leave until we must, and until those days, we will love them and I will love you Sean.

"I love you, Sean."
"I love you too. Y/N."
I hope you guys enjoyed this story. This is sadly the end. Thank you. I can't explain how much I loved writing this for you guys. All the feedback and love. All the jokes and happiness. All the sadness and tears, you guys pulled through till the end, and wow, I surely can't believe it. Never did I think we would get this far, but here we are. I love you guys and I hope you had a fun time reading, until next time, I bid you adieu.

(Breaking away from the sentiment, please check out the little survey I put up on my post and in my bio, for what you want next)

Love you all!

When siblings get in the way (Jacksepticeyexreader) AU Where stories live. Discover now