Our little ones

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I wake up in Sean's arms and give him a kiss on the cheek. He's still sound asleep, so I leave him like that. I look over at our little darling. It has been a few days so we have permission to touch her. I run my hand my hand against my forehead as she grabs it and cooes.
"Hi." I say softly. I take my hand away and kiss my two finger tips. I press them lightly against Sky's forehead and smile. I roll back over to see Sean awake staring at me.
"Good morning beautiful." He says kissing my forehead.
"Good morning handsome." I say and smile. He leans forward and kisses me on the lips. I kiss back lightly. The kiss is short but nice. I pull away and run my fingers through his hair.
"You think they'll have green hair like me?" He says smiling. I giggle at his question.
"Maybe they will honey, just maybe." I say and give him a peck on the cheek. We hear the door open and Nurse Kayla walks in with Dr.Kaine.
"Good morning. How are you feeling Y/N?"
"Good and you?"
"Good, thank you. Do you have any pain?"
"No, but I am a little sore."
"That is expected after a surgery. Have you puked in the last 24 hours?"
"Ant coughing or wheezing?"
"None at all."
"Nurse Kayla will take your temperature, blood pressure and listen to your breathing and heartbeat and I will check on Sky over here." He says pointing at her and I nod and smile at him. She comes closer to check how I'm feeling.
"Everything is in order." Kayla says to me and Dr.Kaine. Dr.Kaine nods as he continues his exam.
"Okay, mhmm, yep and that's not to good." I hear him mutter under his breath.
"What's not good?" Sean says standing up, putting his hand on my shoulder.
"Sky's lungs are quite week right now, we do have her on oxygen right now for the time being. In 7 days if she does not show sings of improvement, we will have to operate."
"Operate? Why?" I say sitting up.
"Her lungs are much to small for her body. If they do not grow in 7 days she will have to have a transplant."
"Transplant? Is she even on going to be able to get her on a list to get lungs and even the-" Sean says before getting cut off.
"The moment you we're brought to this hospital, we put both of them on a list for precautions."
"So you knew this would be the case." Sean says through his teeth taking his hand off my shoulder and clenching his hand into a fist.
"In any case like this we would have done that." He says as calmly as possible.
"Sean, honey please calm down. Go take a quick walk and will discuss it after." I say, he nods and quickly leaves after slamming the door.
"He's very emotional right now, I am so sorry about that."
"I understand, I have 3 kids of my own and if I was in this situation I would have the same reaction." Hmm. He looks really young to have kids. Well, I am 22, so I guess I can't say anything.
"So with this transplant?"
"Yes, it will only happen if she does not have some growth in the lungs. We do have lungs ready for her. The procedure would be quick and then she would be in the hospital for a few more weeks after to continue her growth and recovery."
"And if we didn't get the operation? I just want to consider all the possibilities."
"She would have very high chances of lung cancer and a short life, and by short I mean 5-10 years. Operation or no operation, she will be on oxygen for the rest of her life." I nod.
"I will talk to Sean and hear what he has to say and then will tell you are final decision." He nods and leaves the room.

Sean POV
There was only thing that could calm down. One thing. And that thing is our daughter Luna. I go down to the nursery to see babies in small cribs. All of them are awake except for the small few that we're just born.
"Do you have a baby in here?" I hear the a doctor in a pink uniform. I nod and point at the beautiful Luna.
"Would you like to see her?"
"Yes please." I say. She brings Luna out for me and puts her in my arms. She yawns and looks up at me. She is a splitting image of her mom. She has (your eye colour) eyes just like her mom and the same shape to. She has a little bit of hair on the top of head that is (your natural hair colour) just like Y/N. She grabs my finger and puts it in her mouth and begins sucking on it.
"I never seen a baby do that a few days after it was born. I'm guessing she's hungry, I am going to bring her up to your wife."
"How do you know she's my wife?"
"Same last name." She says taking the baby away from me and bringing her up to Y/N.

I see Sean and a maternity doctor walk in with Luna. She's making a kissy- sucky face.
"I believe she is hungry and it would be a good idea to see if she truly is." I nod and she hands me Luna. I take have Sean help me take the left side of gown off as I bring Luna closer to body. Turns out she was hungry. Born hungry just like Sean. After I finished breast feeding the woman left and told us she would be back to check on us.
"Sean we-"
"Sky needs the surgery."
"Why the sudden change of heart, Sean?"
"I went down to the nursery and saw Luna. She looks just like you. I love her and she loves me. And she must love you and if she's willing to spend 9 months in a womb with Sky, then she must love her too and a I wouldn't want to take that from her." Sean says, taking a deep breath to regain himself.
"Okay. We will te-" I say before being interrupted by Dr.Kaine coming into our room.
"Have you made a decision yet?"
"We want the surgery if she has to get it."
"Alright, we will be monitoring her closely and it will only happen if she does not have some growth in the lungs. We do have lungs ready for her. The procedure would be quick and then she would be in the hospital for a few more weeks after to continue her growth and recovery." He says to Sean, the same thing he said to me. Sean nods and Dr.Kaine leaves the room after he dies another quick cheek up.
This might be a small fork in the road, but our family is strong and will get through it. Of course we will. I hope we will.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I am sorry that they are coming so slowly, with school starting and all that fun stuff, I don't have much time (sorry). New chapters are coming slowly, I swear. Have an amazing day/night/morning/evening/afternoon and stay safe!

(less of a question but let's just roll with it)
Tell me a weird fact.


When siblings get in the way (Jacksepticeyexreader) AU Where stories live. Discover now