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I woke up in a car with Sean beside me. "Hey." He said softly. "Hi." I said rubbing my face. "How was your sleep?" "I had this really weird dream that Mark was here and Anna was cutting and attempted suicide." "About that..." Felix said. "About what?" "It wasn't a dream were going to see her in the hospital." "She actually i-is in the hospital?" I said through my tears. Felix nodded and I just looked through the window as tears ran down my face. Anna could die. Anna could be dead. Why? Why?! WHY?! I started mumbling random Swedish words under my breath. "Y/N?" Sean said tapping my shoulder. "What?" "You were mumbling random words under your breath." "I do that when I get sad or off guard." He nodded and rubbed my shoulder and we were at the hospital. I got out and we went into the hospital. "Anna Kjellberg." "Room 301." He nodded and we went in. Anna was lying on the bed and her heartbeat was very slow. "She is in a coma because of the pills taking up most of her. If she doesn't have enough blood to live till tomorrow. Mariza put her hand on her mouth and Felix's eyes became glossy. "Blood type?" "A positive." "Shit." I mumbled under my breath. "I have o negative." "Really Sean? Your doing this?" He nodded. "Please come with me." Sean followed him.
-----------15 minutes later---------
He came in with a large band-aid on and they attached it to Anna her heartbeat started going a little faster and her eyes started twitching. After a little bit she woke up. I went to the end of the bed. "Hi." She said grabbing my hand and rubbing it. I started tearing up and started giggling. "Hi." I said wiping my tears away. She looked around and saw the packet of blood. "Did you?" "No. The man behind me did." She looked at Sean and he waved. "Thank you." She said reaching out and he came over and gave her a hug. "Anna still has a few days to recover but she will be out soon." "How soon?" "Around 6 weeks. She will be able to come home for 2 days and then she will be sent to rehab for 6 weeks." "Ok." I said and nodded with one single tear falling down my face. "Y/N?" "Yes?" "When you get home throw return my pills to the pharmacy,take away all my money and throw out my razors." I nodded and whispered something in her ear and got off the bed and Felix went over to her. "Hi." He said. "Hi." "Felix?" "Yes?" "You are an amazing brother." "Why would you say that?" "Because Y/N told me you called 9-1-1 to save me." "I would do that for anyone." "But you did it for me so I don't know how to repay you." "Get better in rehab." He said and she smiled he gave her a hug and we left. We got back to the house and sat down and decided to clean for when Anna is coming home. We made some cookies and put them in the fridge and sat down and we bought her all the batman games because they were her favourite. After that we skyped her and ate supper so it was like we were with her. After that Felix and I did the dishes and I tail whipped him a few times. "Well I'm going to bed." I said and went up and lied down on the bed. I closed my eyes and then I felt hot breaths on my neck and opened my eyes and saw Sean on top of me and gave me a kiss. I looked at him and grabbed his legs with mine and turned him over so I was on top of him. I fell asleep and he did too.
Anna is okay!! Yay!! That ended sucked but the rest of it was okay. I hope you guys liked this. Love you guys🖕🏻😘 And if any of you guys feel like this you guys can DM me. Or if you guys just want to talk to someone about anything. ANYTHING. (Except porn😜)
Who is your NOTP?


When siblings get in the way (Jacksepticeyexreader) AU Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ