Morining Sickness?

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It's been five days since the engagement and I look up to see my future husband. He's smiling in his sleep. I feel hungry so I go downstairs to get a muffin out of the fridge. I find the chocolate one and take a bite into it. Oh, how I love chocolate. I love how sweet and creamy it is. I put the muffin down and run upstairs. I run into the bathroom, lift up the toilet seat and begin vomiting.
"Y/N? Are you in there?"
"Ye-" I lean back over and continue puking. He rushes in and sits down beside and starts rubbing my back.
"Are you okay?"
"I think I just have a bu-. Oh shit."
"What is it?"
"Can you bring me my birth control?"
"Okay?" He goes down the stairs and then brings it back up to me. I look at it and it looks like I have missed two pills.
"I'm late."
"For what?"
"My period. Sean, I might be pregnant." I say taking a deep breath out. On the outside I look distressed and feel distressed, but on the inside I feel happy. Warm, I could have my daughter or son in me. I could be a mom.
"Okay, Y/N I'll go get you a test and if you are... and if you are, I'll be a dad and you'll be a mom. Yes?" I take a deep breath.
"Yes." Sean gives a kiss on the head and leaves for the store. I get back into bed and grab my phone and start looking through Instagram.
-------------------Time skip--------------------
I hear Sean enter the house, he comes up stairs and hands me box that seems to be the pregnancy test. I go in to the bathroom with it and take it. It says to wait a minute or two, one line not pregnant and two you are. I wait for about a minute and it comes up. Two lines. I am a mom. I have my son or daughter in me, ready to raised to become a healthy, happy baby. I throw it out and go and hug Sean.
"Somebody is a daddy!"
"Really?!" Sean picks me up and hugs me.
"I'm a daddy!" He kisses me and smiles. He puts me back down on the bed and sits beside me.
"I know."
"We should tell the family."
"Not yet, let's wait until the first trimester and then we can fly over to the UK and tell Felix and them."
"Sounds like a plan. Y/N?"
" I love you and I love you too." He says to me and then to my belly.
"I love you too Sean." I lie back down and so does Sean. I pull the covers back over each of us. Time to get some well deserved sleep.
Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I do have something I have to spoil for you guys. This book is coming up it's end. But not yet. We still have 5 or 6 chapters to go.
Also for the baby's name. If you could suggest one boy name and one girl one that would be great. Thank you for reading.
Love you guys

When siblings get in the way (Jacksepticeyexreader) AU Where stories live. Discover now