A Week Without Him *LONG CHAPTER*

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Cue song when I say!
I woke up and looked to the side and hugged Sean. I gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Good Morning Babe." He said running his soft hands through my hair.
"Good morning." I groggily say as I cuddle in closer. He stretched out his arms and got up.
"Why are you leaving so soon?" I ask him curiously.
"I am just running out to the store to go get some milk for your  crepes." He said while putting on a blue t-shirt and black pants.
"Yum crepes!!" I exclaim and get up and give him a hug.
"This is why your the best boyfriend. Be back soon. Love you." I said and kissed him on the cheek.
"Love you too." He said and gave me a huge hug and walked out of the room to the door. He put on his shoes and left. I sat on the couch and turned on (your favourite tv show). Usually Sean would be gone for 5 minutes or less,but he was gone for at least an hour. I grab my phone and text him but I get a call from and unknown number.
"Hello?" I said with a worried tone
"Are you a family member or relative of Sean Mcloughen?" A lady said in a soft tone.
"Yes I'm his girlfriend why do you ask?" I said less worried.
"I am a doctor at the Beaumont Hospital. Your significant other has passed away. He was recently in a car accident. I am so very sorry for your loss." I heard her say and then the dial tone rang. I fell in the floor and cried.
"SEAN!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and curled up in a little ball.

Anna POV
I wake up and head over to the kitchen and grab the corn flakes out of the cupboard. I grab a bowl and some milk.
"SEAN!!" I hear Y/N scream. I drop the bowl and it shatters.
"Fan!" I yell and run up to her room. I sit on her bed to see her crying in her sleep. I put my hand on her face and rubbing my thumb back and forth on her cheek. She wakes up and grabs my hand.
"Sea-Anna?" She said crying putting her head in my lap.
"Sean's de- dea-"
"It was a dream Y/N."
"It didn't feel like a dream."
"Your just worried about him."
"Your probably right." Y/N said as one more tear ran down her face. I looked back down at her and gave her a peck on the cheek and got up.

I look over to the side and grabbed my phone and went through my photo album where I saw all the photos of Sean and I.
*Cue song now!
I clicked on a photo of him kissing me. It was at vidcon where I meet him. On the 3rd day we hung out together and we talked so much and had so much fun.
I looked at Sean and tucked a piece (hair colour) hair behind my ear and giggled.
"I must ask how you made me like you so easily ?" I said with a smile on my face.
"I don't know. I guess I can just woo the ladies." He said with a wink.
"Here's a real question: How did I meet such a beautiful lady?" He said with a small grin. I gave a little grin and giggled. I grabbed my phone out and put it on the camera.
"Come take a photo with me." I said and sat beside me.
"As you wish." He said and gave me a kiss on the cheek and I took the photo.
I swiped through a few other photos and found a photo of us sitting on a bench by the bridge.
I looked at Sean and he looked at me. I gave he a kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist. It was a soft and warm kiss. We melted together and forgot our surrounds as we just enjoyed the kiss. I pulled away and grabbed the lock and key that was in my pocket. I put it in Sean's hands and put mine on top of his.
"Let's do this." He said and I grabbed his hand and went over to the side of the bridge and locked it together and through the key into the lake. I put my hands into his pockets and he put his arms around my waist and I kissed him.
I continued looking through the photos to find a photo of me and him in front of the mirror taking a photo in his septiceye shirt and he's rocking one too.
I go through my closet where Sean hung up some of his clothes too. I put on one of his shirts because I was too lazy to find one of my own. I put it on and he walked to see me just in his shirt. It was so big it came down to the top of my knees. I walked over to him. He was also wearing the same shirt as me. I gave him a kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck and he did the same for my hips. I leaned in for a kiss and he did the same. When we collided, it was a soft but passionate kiss. I pulled away for a breath but then continued. I continued to kiss him. We we're in perfect motion and time like the conductor and his orchestra. I pulled away one last time and pulled out my phone to take a photo of us twins.
I put my phone down and went downstairs and sat on the couch and Felix,Mariza and Anna were all there watching a movie. I looked at all of them and then watched the movie with them they were watching the shinning for like the 50th time. After a little bit of time later I started to does in to my own thoughts. What should I do about Sean? I want to go live with him but I didn't want to leave my family. I looked at Felix and I looked down. If I leave Felix will be crushed and I will be crushed for hurting him. But if I stay I will crush my love and not be able to see him for awhile. I continued to think about it until the movie ended. I got up and stood in front of the tv and they all looked at me curiously.
"I've been thinking about the whole Sean thing and I've decided to......
Here it is the almighty cliffhanger to haunt us all! Thank you guys for reading and 21K reads!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!! I love you guys so much! Thank you and the next chapter will be here sometime soon.

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