It's Not Fun To Pregnant On A Airplane

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"We've got everything?" I ask
"I think so. Y/N why are you so worried."
"I don't know mothers intuition, Purse, jackets, shirts, pants, shoes, socks, underwear, wallet, passports, mone-" Sean comes up behind and wraps his arms around my waist and kiss my neck.
"Stop worrying about everything, everything will be fine." He brings his hands over my small baby bump. It's been 5 weeks since we found out. I zipped up mine and Sean's suitcase and put on my jacket. Sean grabbed the suitcase and we put on our shoes and went out the door. I go back in and grab our tickets for the plane, now we will leave.
-------------------Time skip---------------------
I get out of the uber and into the airport. Looking around brought back memories of the day I saw Sean after he left. I start to tear up.
"Babe what's wrong?" My concerned fiancé asks.
"Th-this- just brings ba- back me- memories, from wh-when yo-you picked me up." I say through my tears.
"Honey, I think your just a little bit of mood swings, you knew I would come and pick you, even if there was a tornado."
"Your probably rig-right." I say back and continue walking. We go through security and sit down.
"Yes honey?"
"Can you get me a chocolate muffin, I'm really craving one."
"Are you sure that's good for my little boss inside ya?"
"Just get me the goddamn muffin."
"Okay. Janey Mack, don't lose your rag." I hear him mumble. I roll my eyes, probably some Irish saying about me being mad. I grab my phone and scroll through my Instagram.
"Here you go m'lady." I look up to see my Irish green haired man, he has a muffin and a coffee. He hands me the muffin and coffee.
"Honey. I'm pregnant, the caffeine will hurt the baby. I handed him back the coffee.
"Well aren't I a spanner." He laughs at himself and gives me a kiss.
"Plane 3383 to Brighton, England is boarding."
"I guess that's us" I say I grab his hand and we stand in line to begin boarding.
-----------------------Time skip-----------------
"Your plane will be landing in 1 hour. Please put on your seat beats as we come closer to our descent." I put on my seat belt and grab Sean's hand. I'm not scared of planes, but for some reason I really don't like the feeling of being on one.
"Are you okay Y/N?" Sean asks me.
"I don't know. I just don't like being on this plane.
"I think your just becoming a mother." He says giving me a kiss on the cheek. I sit back and relax while we start are descent.
--------------------Time skip--------------------
We get off the plane and grab our luggage and call a taxi. We get in the taxi and put my head on Sean's shoulder, I'm so tired that I close my eyes and wait for the taxi to get to Felix's house.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It's a cliffhanger-ish. Also one of my friends is trying to become an author on wattpad, if you could give her story a read or give her a follow that would be great! Her account is zamazing21
Who is NOTP and OTP? (Did I already ask this? If I did answer this instead. How is your favourite author?

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