Wedding Shopping (Final Part)

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I think I am going to choose the second one. I say. They all smile and go back to get changed. A younger clerk comes up to me and smiles. She has bright blonde hair and is a small bit shorter than me.
"Hi, I am Breanna, so I will be fitting the dress to you." I smile and she mesures my arms, my legs, my waist, my baby bump, my bust.
"I was told that you are expecting, for 32 weeks, when the wedding is happening?"
"Okay, so I will add that on, but possibly 3 days before we could fit it on again?"
"That sounds great." I say as I give her a friendly smile.
"Well, I think we will be paying now." Mariza says smiling.
"Your total is 10,800€." She says as Mariza hands her a credit card. She finishes paying and we leave. I see the boys standing beside the car. Sean, Felix, Bob and Mark.
"M-Mark?" Anna says stopping in her track.
"Come on, honey." I say grabbing her arm.
"N-no." She says holding back tears. I look to see him holding them back too.
"I- I'm so sorry. What I did was wrong and disgusting. I-I love you and- and if you don't feel the same way, I understand-" Anna ran over to him and cut him of with a passionate kiss.
"I-I love you too." She says letting her tears fall. We all smile and I walked over to Sean.
"I forgave him, I wanted him to be happy, he just had to forgive himself." He says before kissing my forehead.
"I want to see the dress!" Felix says all gitty like.
"Not until the wedding day." I say and pouts like he was three.
"Well, Felix and I would love to stay, but sadly we are leaving tonight, back to Brighton, but we will be back." Mariza says smiling. I nod and give them both big hugs.
"Sadly Mark and I also have to leave."
"We will miss you." Sean says giving both of them hugs also. We all wave as the get in the taxi and it take them away.
"Bob and I also have to leave." Y/BF/N says. She and Bob had become friends and are now room mates.
"See you at the wedding then." I say giving them hugs as they got in another taxi too.
"I am going to have drive back to Dublin." Alison says giving both of us hugs and getting in her small car. Sean grabs me by my waist. And dips me.
" I love you my beautiful wife to be." He leans down to me and gives me a light kiss on the lips.
This, this is perfect.
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, we are so close to getting 60,000 reads. Love you guys so much. More chapters to come!
What are some songs I should listen to?

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