First Checkup

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I get back into the house and lie down on our bed.
"Y/N do you want to talk about th-"
"No. Please just, can you get me something salty to eat."
"Y/N, if we don't talk about what happened, you'll bury it so deep that it will come out in one big outbreak."
"Fine! Let's have a big feeling circle and talk about! My brother just pushed you up the fucking wall and chocked you out."
"Well we are getting some where now. I think your a little hormonal right now also."
"Bite me."
"Calm down."
"Sorry, it's just- just. Why?" I say as I start to break down and cry."
"Why? Why does every time we go there, Felix has to do something?"
"I don't know, I- I'm sorry." He says as he sits down on the bed and puts me in his grip.
"Y/N?" I look up at him. He's hurt. Physically and mentally. I can see the purple brushing around his neck that Felix left and the small black eye from a small hit that Felix gave him, but I could see the mental scaring. He took the beatings for me. He fought for me. He protected me. I looked into his blue ocean eyes, loosing myself in that ocean. His ocean. The ocean that took me away and let me live happily with the man I love. And al I did was, nothing. I never gave him anything. I let him fight my battles, I let him take the beatings.
"Why do you love me? You give me everything, you give yourself up. But all I do is noth-"
"Be quiet. I love you because you protect me. I may fight the physical battles, but you fight the mental ones. You take care of me when I'm sick. If I get hurt, even if it's a scrape you give all your time for me. That's why I love you."
I snuggle in deeper to into his grip. I feel a little hit inside my belly.
"What's wrong?"
"The baby is kicking."
"We have to go for your ultra sound to get the baby checked." It's been 10 weeks so it's about time to get him or her checked.
I sat back and put my shoes back on. I walked outside and got in the car for the appointment.
---------Time skip brought by Castiel---------
I walk out of the car into the doctors office and go in.
"Are you here for a checkup or an appointment?" The blonde lady says at the front
"Appointment for a ultrasound." I hear Sean say. She nods and looks into her computer.
"Ah. Y/N?"
"Yes that is me."
"Please take a seat." I nod and sit down. I grab Sean's hand and he gives me a small squeeze and a smile.
"Y/N?" I hear the receptionist say. I get up and follow her down to our room.
"Dr. Panl will be with you shortly." I nod and so does Sean.
"I'm so nervous."
"Y/N, there's nothing to worry about." I nod and breathe out. I hear the door click open and see a young asian women with short black hair come in.
"Hello. My name is Dr.Panl and you are?"
"Y/N and this Sean my fiancé."
"Alright, Y/N please lie down, how many weeks are you at?"
"10 weeks."
"Then I'm guessing this is your first appointment?" I nod. She gets a pair of gloves on and grabs her stethoscope and listens to my heart.
"Strong heart, very good." She brought it down to listen to the baby's heart also.
"Strong also." She put the stethoscope around her neck and grabbed everything for the ultrasound.
"So I am going to put this on your stomach and it will be a little cold." I feel the cold cream go on to my belly as she takes out the scanner.
"So it looks good, wait would you like to know the gender?"
"No, not yet could you please give us an envelope?"
"Of course, and one last look- what is this?" She brings it to the side and looks
"Your baby has another little friend."
"TWINS?!" Sean and I both say at the same time. She nods.
"Honey! I get to be a dad twice!" He says while smiling, I give a little giggle as she wipes of the gel and gives us the photos of the ultra sound.
"Thank you so much." I say as I shake her hand and she smiles at me as I smile back. Sean grabs my hand as we walk out, excited for the adventure ahead.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I hope you all have an amazing day. Sorry the updates are so slow, it's family and school. I will be trying hard to write more and more often.
Where is your dream vacation?

When siblings get in the way (Jacksepticeyexreader) AU Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz