New Home

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I look out my window and see the London under me. Goodbye. I will miss you. For some reason I wanted to go back. I wanted to stay with Felix, but I knew I made the right choice. They did all there safety announcements and told us that the flight was going to be 1h and 25 minutes and a long drive to Athlone. I sat back in my chair and knew that happiness was only so far away. I put my head back put in my earphones and fell asleep.
"We have landed in Shannon, Ireland please enjoy the rest of your evening." I shot straight up and hit my head. I grabbed my carry on and went over to the luggage carrousel and got my suit case. I walked over to a bench with a man with a hood over his head. I grabbed my phone out and was going to text Sean but my phone.
"Can I help you ma'am?" A deep raspy voice said.
"My phone died. I was trying to text my boyfriend."
"Where does he live?" It sounded kinda creepy but this was the best help I could get.
"I live there, do you need a ride?"
"Really? Thank you for the offer I'm sorry but I don't take rides from strangers."
"Do you know where he lives?"
"I know a lot of people in Athlone. Maybe I could tell you where he lives. What's his name?"
"Sean Mcloughen."
"Really? He's was my roommate."
"He never told me he had a roommate."
"He doesn't anymore though."
"Why?" He took down his head and I covered my mouth as tears ran down my face.
"Because I am him." He said in his normal voice. I gave him the biggest hug humanly possible.
"How did you know I was going to be here Sean?"
"I came everyday that a flight from London landed."
" I love you Y/N." He said lifting me up giving me a passionate kiss. Everyone clapped and we walked out hand in hand with him rolling my luggage. We got to his car and I got into the car and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I have finally found happiness again.

Sean POV
I have finally found happiness again.

I grabbed his hand and smiled at him and we held hands till we got home.
I know it was short, but it was also nice to just be able to NOT have writers block. Have a nice day/evening/night/morning whatever time it is.
P!ATD , FOB or TOP? Which is your favourite?

When siblings get in the way (Jacksepticeyexreader) AU Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu