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Cue the song when I say.
I woke up to see Sean who seemed a little better. He got up and saw me. He gave me a kiss on the forehead. "Good morning." He said. "Feeling better?" He nodded and I got out of the bed and grabbed one of Sean's booper dooper shirt and he smiled and giggled. "What's so funny?" "You look cute in my clothes." I smiled and walked over to him and gave him an Eskimo kiss and left. "Where's my cuddles?" "I'm going to the kitchen to get food calm down." "Fine." I walked in the kitchen and saw Mark standing there. "What are you doing here Mark?" I asked. "I'm here to see you." He said with a wink. "I have a boyfriend." I said. He came closer to me and put his hands around my waist. "I don't think he would mind. And if he did love you he would be here." "Okay. Then. Maybe he doesn't love me that much." I aid playing along with him trying to trick him and get him the fuck out of here. "Where did you get that shirt?" He said pointing at it. "I'm actually a huge fan of Jacksepticeye." "I never imagined you to be a fan of him." "Yeah. I would really want to meet him one day." "Well maybe next time I see him I can have you over so you can meet him." "Maybe or..." "Or what?" "I can kick your ass and then Sean and Felix can finish it." I said sternly. "Nice try honey." He said leaning in for a kiss. "BABE! FELIX!" I yelled and they ran to the rescue. I pushed him off of me and ran to Sean and gave him a hug. "Little bitch! Get over her- Oh! Felix. Jack." He said getting up and started rubbing the back of his neck. "WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU DOING TO MY GIRLFRIEND?!" Sean yelled and ran over to him and pinned him to the wall. "AND my sister?!" "N-nothing she started making out with me and I told her to stop and she kept on going." Mark said. (Now let's get fucking technical) "Have you brushed your teeth?" He asked me and I shook my head. "Did you Mark?" "Yeah. Why?" He motioned me to come here and he smelt my breath. "She doesn't smell like tooth paste." He gulped and Sean gave him a good whack to the face. He got knocked out and we put him outside our door. Anna came down the stairs. "Hey Y/N where's Mark?" "You invited him?" "Yeah. Why?" "He tries to make out with me." "Where is he?" "Outside." Anna went out and we followed her. Anna slapped him across the face. "I thought you actually loved me. Douchebag." She slammed the door and ran into her room crying. "ANNA!" I yelled and ran up after her. I knocked on the door and she didn't answer. "Anna I will knock down this door." No answer. " I body chucked the door and it ripped open and there was Anna. Cutting herself. "O my god. Anna. Why are you doing this to yourself?" "It helps the pain go away after you realize Mark has been cheating on you with 5 other women." "O my god. I'm sorry." I got closer to her to try and give her a hug but she put the blade up to her neck. "Take another step and I will. I will do it the world doesn't need me here!" "Ok." I backed away. "Leave and close the door." She said pointing to it. "Hand me the razors." She nodded and handed them to me. I closed the door and ran down stairs. "FELIX!" I said through my tears. Felix came up the stairs and I dropped the razors and gave him a hug. * "Vad är fel?" "A-Annas kapning." "Du menar som slits hennes handleder?" "Ja. Detta är hennes rakhyvlar."*
I showed him the razors and he started bawling. "Why would she do that?" "Go ask her." I said and Felix and I walked in to see her on the floor with a bottle of pills in her hand. She tried to commit suicide. "MARZIA! CALL 9-1-1!" "Okay..." She came up stairs and handed us the phone. "9-1-1 what's your emergency?" "My sister just tried to commit suicide!" He said through his tears. "Address?" "(Your address)" "Will be there in 2 minutes." He hung up and I ran down stairs and ran into Sean's arms crying. "What's wrong?" "A-Anna's attempted s-suicide." I cried in his chest and he started rubbing my back. As I pulled away the paramedics rushed in with a stretcher and took Anna. Felix came down the stairs and Mariza,Felix and I had a group hug. Tears streamed down my face. I remembered all the things that Anna and I did.
Play the song!
"Oh no!" Anna yelled as she moved the Barbie towards the Barbie house. "My house is on fire!" "Don't worry. GI Joe is here to save the day." I yelled and took the straw that was the fire hose. "Psshhhh." I said making the sound effects. "You're all saved." We made the Barbies kiss and continued playing.
-------------End of Flashback------
"Remember when You and I cut Anna's hair to look like Dora?"Felix said through his tears. "Yeah." I said smirking and crying.
Mamma and Pappa were fighting so Felix and I decided to cut Anna's hair. "Are you ready?" Felix said with the scissors in his hands. "NO! LEAVE MY HAIR ALONE!" She screamed through her tears. Felix brought up the scissors and cut her hair and then handed me the scissors. I finished it and showed her it in the mirror. "**DU MONSTER! JAG HATAR ER!"** Anna yelled and Felix and I both laughed. Mamma and Pappa came  in and gave Felix and I a good liken.
---------------End of Flashback----
I cried so hard and left the hug. I went to my room and lied down and Sean came in and started playing with my hair and I fell asleep crying in his arms.
I'm sorry for the tears. I hope you liked it anyway. Thank you for over 1K reads. You guys are the best. Love you guys!
*"What's wrong?" "A Anna cutting." "You mean like slit her wrists?" "Yes. These are her razors."
Those were the translations
Did I make you cry?

When siblings get in the way (Jacksepticeyexreader) AU حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن