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Death collected the last of the souls and corked the bottle. He exited the house and strolled down the road. It had been a while since he had been to Indy Valley. After Joe figured out everything he had to do as Time, Death became a full time Power again. He hadn't been down to Earth as Cain for many years. Death stopped at Joe's old house and entered it. No one had bought the house. It had been empty for years. Cobwebs hung from the ceiling and collected on the floor. Dirt and leaves had strayed in and rested on the floor. The furniture was covered in a layer or two of dust. Death held back a sneeze and walked around the house. He found it odd how there were still pictures hanging on the wall. He guessed that no one had bothered to move them. After he had walked around the whole house he left and shut the door behind him.

"Death!" Ash shouted. Death made his way over to Ash who was standing in the cemetery. He handed him the souls and continued to look around the cemetery.

"Miss it?" Ash asked. Death sighed and nodded.

"A little bit, but it was fun while it lasted," Death responded.


Silence came and stayed for what seemed like hours. Ash finally broke the silence.

"We're getting new Powers today. All of them are Light Powers though," Ash said, his words trailing off at the end.

"We should probably head back then," Death said. In a flash both Deaths disappeared. They made their way to Time's grave and waited for the others. The Powers had agreed that when they would get new Powers they would meet there and see if the late Time accepted them. If he did the Power would be showered with gold petals. If he didn't a harsh wind would blow throughout his old domain. Eventually Life, Love, and Time made their way out to the burial.

"Morning boys," Time stated.

"Morning Joe," they responded in unison. Joe preferred to be called by his human name but on occasions like meeting and Power ceremonies he would be addressed as Time. Life stood by Joe and Love stood by Ash, kissing him on the cheek when she got to his side. Death pretended to gag and Love smacked him.

"Would it kill you to grow up?" Love asked. Ash chuckled under his breath and Death stuck his tongue out at Love.

"Would it kill you two to not act all lovey dovey in front of me?" Death responded. Love rolled her eyes in response. Death was actually happy for the pair of them though. He might've lost his girlfriend but he was happy for his brother for finding love, literally.

"They're coming!" Life shouted looking toward the hill. The Powers looked over to where Life was and saw Angel and Devil with three half-Powers coming over the hill. Death squinted, trying to see what the new Powers looked like.

"What Powers are they supposed to be?" Death asked in curiosity.

"One of them is supposed to be under me. The other is supposed to be Mother Nature, so control over seasons on Earth, and the last one is supposed to be a new one," Love answered.

"A new Power? What is it?" Ash asked.

"Something with animals. The Power will come up with his or her name for their Power," Life explained. Angel and Devil were finally standing in front of them and Death held his happiness in and kept a stone face. In front of him stood Dante, Adrian, and Arabella. All three of them looked like what he remembered them to be.

"We first present to you a new Power under Love, or Cupid as he will be named. We ask for your opinion," Angel said. Devil guided Adrian to stand under the golden tree and wait for the answer. Golden leaves showered him and Adrian smiled. He walked out from under the tree and stood by Time.

Death's LullabyΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα