Chapter 27

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Death was in a daze for the rest of the day. Ash's words ran through his head and replayed throughout his mimd the whole day. Everyone seemed to like Ash. Even Dante and Adrian let him sit at their table at lunch. Arabella didn't seem to like him though. In fact, she sat as close to Death as possible and didn't say a word to Ash. Death was happy about this but he could tell Ash wasn't pleased with this. After school when Death was gathering his things from his locker he heard the lock on his locker flip up. He groaned and looked to his side. Roxanne was standing at his locker smiling.

"I didn't know you had a brother," she said. Death rolled his eyes and ignored her. She snapped her fingers in front of his face and he looked back at her.

"I wasn't done talking to you," she told him.

"Why do you care if I have a brother or not?"

"Because you can put in a good word for me. I have to get to him before the cheerleaders do,"

Death made a gagging noise and shook his head. He shut his locker and threw his backpack on his shoulders.

"The last thing I'm going to ever do is put a good word in for you to Ash," Death stated. With that being said he walked away from her and went out to the bus. Death got on the bus and noticed that Ash was already there and was sitting with Adrian and across from Dante. Death sat next to Dante and caught Ash's eye. He smiled evilly and turned his attention back to the book he had been reading.

"You're brother is really cool. Is he older or younger than you?" Dante asked.

"He's younger than me," Death grumbled in response.

"Is is just the two of you?"

"Yes," Death responded. At least I hope so, Death thought to himself. The bus ride was quiet. Dante had put his earbuds in and both Ash and Adrian were reading. Death stared at Ash the whole ride. What was his plan? Why was he after Death? What did he want? The bus finally stopped at Joe's house and both boys got off. They walked down the drive and Death glanced over at Ash.

"If you do anything to Joe I will skin you alive. Do you hear me?" Death asked in a vicious tone. Ash looked at him and nodded.

"I already told you. I'm after you," Ash told him. They walked up to the house and walked inside. Joe was in the kitchen and he shuffled over to the small island when he heard the door open and shut.

"Welcome home boys," He told them. Death put his bag in the corner, which was soon flattened by Ash's backpack. Death growled in frustration but didn't say a word.

"Cain why don't you show your brother his room. He's going to be staying in the room across from your's," Joe explained. Death waved for Ash to follow him and they walked to his room. It was about the same size as Death's.

"I see why you like being down here," Ash stated.

"Excuse me?"

"You have friends, a roof over your head, an education. You just have it all,"

"What are you playing at?"

"Nothing. I'm just simply jealous of the life you are living,"

"Is that why Devil sent you down here? To make my life hell again?"


"Then why are you down here?"

The room went silent. Death was beyond angry at this point. Not only was his replacement down here, but now he was trying to take his new life away from him. A sigh escaped from Ash and he looked up from the carpet.

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